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How to maintain contact/not have her lose interest while away


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I've been corresponding with a woman through an online dating site (she contacted me first, but we exchanged 2-3 emails a piece). On the 3rd email I suggested meeting up for beers, she responded that that sounds good, and asked when works for me. I suggested a few nights in advance (this was a couple days ago) and she sent me her #, said to call her text her, that that night might work but she had a lot of school work she had to get done first. Texted her today about tonight, and she responded "great to hear from you, but sadly I still have a lot of work to do. When else works?"

Her response seems fine, and she had said she might have a lot of work. My questions is that since I'll be away for the next week, are there any suggestions about how to proceed? Should I just wait until I'm back and contact her again then? We've been communicating back and forth every other day or so, and I don't want her to lose interest over a week with no communication. Advice? Thanks.

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Typically when someone is interested they make time regardless of their busy schedule. There's really no other way. But from the looks of things, I'll bet that she's probably not all that interested in you to begin with. Nevertheless, you've made attempts to get together and she's always "busy". Now the ball is in her court, if she really wants to spend time with you she will. Trust me.

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Typically when someone is interested they make time regardless of their busy schedule. There's really no other way. But from the looks of things, I'll bet that she's probably not all that interested in you to begin with. Nevertheless, you've made attempts to get together and she's always "busy". Now the ball is in her court, if she really wants to spend time with you she will. Trust me.


I beg to differ. I've been really interested in girl but couldn't meet her since I was busy for week or two during major work related milestone. So its not true all the time and looks like she is really interested in meeting him but her schedule is crazy.


OP, tell her that you are busy next week and you'd be interested in meeting her this week. But if it doesn't work out lets stay in touch and meet on X day And send her casual email after few days to check how she is doing.

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Typically when someone is interested they make time regardless of their busy schedule. There's really no other way. But from the looks of things, I'll bet that she's probably not all that interested in you to begin with. Nevertheless, you've made attempts to get together and she's always "busy". Now the ball is in her court, if she really wants to spend time with you she will. Trust me.


Well I only made one attempt to get together, just suggested one night (Sunday). She told me Saturday that it might work for Sunday if she got work done. Then on Sunday she said she didn't get the work done, but she asked about later days that same week. I was the one who was then gonna be out of town. She didn't claim to be 'busy' multiple times, and she did suggest other times. I have no reason to think she isn't interested. I just dont want to go from emails every other day or so to a week when I'm out of town with no communication zt all and have her lose interest due to not being in touch. In fact, her texts even though she said she had lots of work, seemed to be very interested. I just dont want that interest/excitement to slip away.

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