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o father art in heaven i lay my self down to sleep


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anger boiling hate steaming.

Why god why me.

As I pond apon my chess in some form of agony.

Where was thow I scream in to the night?

Where was he when I had the gun to my head?

On my knee's begging please.

Give me this o father tout in heaven.

Give me this and set me free.

Break the chain's apone thy heart and set me free.

who are you to judge me.

Did you not put me here on the floor on my knee's.

Did you not create this dismal destiny.

Where were you when I need a friend just someone nay kind of a friend?

Where was i.

I was here face down in agony.

With tears in my eyes I say to I am.

But one simple man.

Never though this is the plan that thy has set forth.

A victim of destiny.

Feel my anger as it swell's.

Anger for not just thy but to face an endless time.

Forever lost do to things behold my reach.

o Father o father cover my sin.

And grant me scanty.

I'm on my way to see you face to face.

Never knew that I would have to look into you eye's.

And say I just couldn't do it just couldn't make it through the nights.

Why could you not speek?

To all those you have lost.

Over the time is but one minute there.

One minute in eternity.

Of father of mine I need not your city's of gold only a place to call home.

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Hardcore, this is an incredibly raw and intense poem. The searing pain just jumps through to the reader. Which makes it GREAT. My only suggestion, and I've told you this before: please, please work on your spelling. It will make your poems that much easier to read.


Again, this was a very exceptional poem. I'm impressed.

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