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Seeking a little help

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For a while i have been depressed ,i have been finding myself wanting to be alone alot ,but just recently i have been trying to pull myself out of it ,but every time i try to get out of it something bad happens and i get pulled right back into being depressed again.For an example just the other day when i thought things were starting to look good and i was walking in the school cafertia and some jerk threw a hand full of corn at me.Today started out good also but my parents got into this huge argeument and ruin it.It feels like i am meant to be like this all the time and the feeling is getting worst everyday.

I admit i don't have it as worst as other people do but i would really like to know how to keep my spirits up after stuff like this happens,would someone tell me?

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Hi. I first like to tell you that I know exactly how you feel. When I was in highschool I wasn't part of the 'in' group, and my family life at home was a complete mess. It still is. Secondly, no matter what your situation is, someone is bound to be worse off or better off... but that does not change what you are dealing with. Trying to compare your life to anyone else's will only cause you more doubts, and anguish. And by the sounds of it, you have enough without trying to create more.


Anyhow, to me it sounds like you are waiting for things to change in your life before you allow yourself to change (your mood). If this is what you are doing... you are always going to be where you are. There will always be something bad in your life that will cause you to retreat into yourself. That does not change. What has to change is the way you deal with these problems... because that is the only thing that you can control in life; you and your own actions. Trust me, I know that this isn't easy, I deal with the same thing myself.


The way that I got out of it, I started to confide in people... well actually person. By bringing whatever is bothering you on the inside to the outside, you can see it and then start to take the appropriate measures to deal with it. You don't have to find someone and give them you complete life history, or your deepest and darkest thoughts... but start slowly (I'm talking snail's pace here). You go at the speed you are comfortable with. And then you just go from there.


Now, this isn't going to happen over night. It might take a few weeks, or even a few months. The key thing to remember here is to be patient. And practice. The more you do it, the easier it gets.


This isn't going to stop bad things from happening. And when something bad does happen and you find yourself returning back the inside, you'll find that each time it is easier to get out of.


But also remember, spending time alone isn't bad... I mean if you can't stand your own company, why would you expect another to?


I hope that I have explained this to you satisfaction. If you have anymore questions that I can answer please feel free to e-mail me.

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Hi. I first like to tell you that I know exactly how you feel. When I was in highschool I wasn't part of the 'in' group, and my family life at home was a complete mess. It still is. Secondly, no matter what your situation is, someone is bound to be worse off or better off... but that does not change what you are dealing with. Trying to compare your life to anyone else's will only cause you more doubts, and anguish. And by the sounds of it, you have enough without trying to create more.


Anyhow, to me it sounds like you are waiting for things to change in your life before you allow yourself to change (your mood). If this is what you are doing... you are always going to be where you are. There will always be something bad in your life that will cause you to retreat into yourself. That does not change. What has to change is the way you deal with these problems... because that is the only thing that you can control in life; you and your own actions. Trust me, I know that this isn't easy, I deal with the same thing myself.


The way that I got out of it, I started to confide in people... well actually person. By bringing whatever is bothering you on the inside to the outside, you can see it and then start to take the appropriate measures to deal with it. You don't have to find someone and give them you complete life history, or your deepest and darkest thoughts... but start slowly (I'm talking snail's pace here). You go at the speed you are comfortable with. And then you just go from there.


Now, this isn't going to happen over night. It might take a few weeks, or even a few months. The key thing to remember here is to be patient. And practice. The more you do it, the easier it gets.


This isn't going to stop bad things from happening. And when something bad does happen and you find yourself returning back the inside, you'll find that each time it is easier to get out of.


But also remember, spending time alone isn't bad... I mean if you can't stand your own company, why would you expect other to?


I hope that I have explained this to you satisfaction. If you have anymore questions that I can answer please feel free to e-mail me.

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The guy who threw corn at you probably has a worse home life than yourself. You need to be careful of yourself, hold yourself up as an example of how good that you can be in any one situation.


If your parents argue in front of you, it is important to act as a mediator. Try to understand the two viewpoints of the people involved, be it your parents or any others.


Try to talk them out of their anger if it isn't justified.


Be the best that you can be and expect that you'll occasionally fail. But that is ok. Just be yourself.

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Last July I enlisted in the marine corps under the Delayed entre program and i leave for bootcamp this june.But back then when i signed up i wasnt depressed at all but as time closes down for me to leave i dont remember ever feeling as crapy as i do now,its been this way for months and i am afraid that i wont make through bootcamp feeling the way i do.Even though it hasn't been that long since my last forum I would really like some more advise if anybody has some.

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Nothing will get you out of the dumps more than conquering a challenge such as boot camp. I can't speak from experience since I have never been in the military, but imagine how you will feel after you get through it considering your anticipation and reservations about it. Right now it seems like something you don't think you can accomplish, but because of that, when you do you will have more confidence and pride than you could ever imagine. Think of it this way, when you get through boot camp, you will have proven to yourself that you can do anything!!! That is very important, because when you face challenges later in life you will know that you can conquer them with ease because of your determination. If all those other marines can do it, so can you! Kick some ass!!!

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It's just a theory, but I think boot camp will strengthen you and will make you feel better about yourself even if you go in feeling crappy. There's something about physical stress and overcoming it that seems to strengthen us and help us heal whatever is ailing us a bit. In your case, you'll be forced to go through this process in a short duration of time, which I think is good. Try to accept whatever you're going through and believe that boot camp will be a positive experience when looking at the big picture. You'll be so busy that you won't have too much time to dwell on feeling depressed unless you're actively trying keep up the negative trains of thought. Everyone knows that physical activity and seeing the positive results from them (changes in our body) make us feel a little better in most cases in our lives. The problem for most people is not getting off their butts to do it or not being able to stay consistent enough to get some results. In your case, that won't be a problem. Good luck...

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