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Where do I go from here, i feel so lost


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My girlfriend and I broke in march. We had a very stressful time in the beginning of our relationship. She lost her job and was unemployed for months, I was living with room mates which was not working out, work issues and I was having a lot health issues from the stress. We ended up pushing each other a way. We kept in daily contact by texting or calling after the break up. We would go out for dinner, shopping or spending time at each others house. At the end of the summer we both got involved with other people but I quickly realized that I was still very much in love with her and ended the relationship. She had told me she didn't think she could fall in love with the person she was dating. We both discussed each others new partner which I now regret deeply because I believe she holds that hurt over me


I recently confessed to her that I was still in love with her. I wrote her a long letter, I explained how I felt, I apologized for my behavior and for hurting her like I did. I gave her a college of photos of us to remind her of the good times and a CD. I thought she still had feelings too by the way she acted around me and she still has our pics on her fb page. When we discussed the letter she told me she wish I had spoken up sooner. She wouldn't discuss the letter or how she feels other than she is hurt. I never cheated on her. I just was stupid by pushing her away because I was scared of getting hurt. I've been told that her new bf is moving away for a job opportunity and has broken up her within the last week. She has not contacted me since our last discussion almost two weeks ago after she got the last of her things. Should I start to move on which I haven't really been able to do or give her the needed space she needs? Its very hard because I miss her so much, this is the longest we have gone without speaking.

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I would give her the space she needs and try to contact her after maybe another 10-14 days in email or text. Nothing confrontational. You guys need a low stress environment to try to work out a relationship. If all of the previous sources of stress are still in play I wouldn't even bother pursuing it until you have your own life neat and tidy.

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We had an argument thru text last night I regret it but she had contacted my oldest daughter thru text and had upset her. My daughters and her son want nothing more than to have their family back together. If you want nothing to due with me why contact my daughter?? I don't understand this at all. In the time we were apart I got my life in order and by spending time with her all my hurt feelings subsided. I can even understand why she choose to date this guy. I have no clue what all these hurt feelings she has is. I understand that I wasn't very affectionate the last few months of our relentionship but she made no effort either. We both were very depressed. Things are very differant for both of us now. She has good full time job, I moved into my own house and work life has increased ten fold. Am wrong to think that if you love someone and can see their feelings are genuine you would give them another chance?? I hate that I don't talk to her but I hate the rejection I feel when I'm around her

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