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most of my friends get mad everytime they find out i cut again. im trying to stop but i never realized how hard it would be. i know that i am really hurting the people around me and that it makes them worry about me ...but somtimes its so annoying. they watch over my every move, they tell me i dont need to be doing it and that i should stop right now or else they'll tell, they check my arms, and they always get mad when i do it. lately i've realized that people go through much worse lives than me...and that cutting for something like getting mad at your friends is so stupid...but still...i can't help it. i want to know how i can stop...if theres anybody that has a good way of doing that please let me know. i dont wanna live this life anymore...but i dont wanna end it either...i wanna change it. please help if you can...

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Whenever you are trying to stop a bad habbit, you find that you only want to do it more and more, which occasionally makes you do it anyway, even if you are trying to stop.


You need to have actual consequences to stop this kind of habbit, your friends getting mad at you isn't going to change this. You need professional help, yes!


You need to find something that will compensate for the urge to cut, but will make you less engaged in the need to cut.


Can you eat some vegetables? Carrots, celery? Can you eat some apples and oranges? While you are doing it say, I am replacing a good habbit with a bad habbit.


Do you eat enough protein? Do you drink enough water? Can you get yourself a piece of jewelry or put on a rubber band that will make you think less of cutting? With the rubber band you spank yourself whenever you feel the urge to cut, wear it around your wrist! Be good ok?

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Well,i want to say that its a great thing that you want to stop.Cutting,though people may not think so, is addicting.It isnt something you can just up and quit without a second glance.My advice,if you truly want to stop,bring this up with your parents or an adult figure.Then maybe they can help you further.I wish youthe best of luck in stopping and if you ever need to talk feel free to PM me.



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