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When I see him it makes me crazy


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I suffer from serious depression and have had a nervous breakdown. My fiance broke up with me a few months ago. Several weeks ago we talked about getting back together, but he decided he didn't want to. He is the manager of a rink where my roller derby league practices. Before we dated and after we broke up he told me that he didn't want me to quit, and that he would stay in the manager's office when I had to go there. For a few weeks it was great. Then I made the mistake of going to the office to ask about one of my unreturned items yesterday in a friendly manner. He interpreted this to mean I was ok, and started hanging out watching our practice later. When I asked him to go into the office, he refused (twice). I ended up leaving. I don't know why, but I can't stand seeing him. I just want to go crazy when I do. How do I ignore him so that I don't lose the last activity I love because I can't be around him? Do I contact him and remind him that he said he'd stay out of sight?

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Look - he works there. If he wants to come out of the office (maybe to do his job) while you are there there is nothing you can do other than not go to the arena. And if you end up making a scene you could get banned from the place anyway.

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DN - i know he works for and i'm trying to avoid making a scene... that's the whole purpose of this thread. He wasn't working, he came out just to watch our practice.


What's the best way for me to communicate to him that I need him to honor his promise since I don't think any conversation we could have would help anything (especially if I can't keep my emotions under control). Write a letter? Send a friend to talk to him? Leave it alone and hope next week he goes back into hiding to avoid the drama?

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I don't agree that he should stay in the office. It's his job. And if he wants to come out of the office that's up to him. I'm sure you can control your emotions like a grown up. If you see him watching you, just ignore it. He's the manager of the place so you would have to understand he's not going to stay hours in the office.


In a way, your messing with his job and it's not fair.

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Ok... don't attack me. And as manager he DOES, as a rule and as part of the job, sit in the office.


I don't agree that he should stay in the office. It's his job. And if he wants to come out of the office that's up to him. I'm sure you can control your emotions like a grown up. If you see him watching you, just ignore it. He's the manager of the place so you would have to understand he's not going to stay hours in the office.


In a way, your messing with his job and it's not fair.

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