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Everything posted by KYRiverGrl

  1. Ex, you suck. You put this face in public that you're the nicest man in the world and such a great catch. Women so ate it up and still do. There was a time when I ate it up ... much to my undoing. I know how you REALLY are behind closed doors -- controlling, manipulative, evasive, belittling, and shallow. You told me that you loved me 20+ times a day, and that you could not live without me -- yet you were all too willing to dump me for a friend of ours (without even taking the trouble to break up with me first) when things did not go your way. So much for all of the "love you's." It is true that talk is cheap. In your case it's absolutely free, haha. You don't walk your talk, mister, and someday Karma is going to totally fry your sorry ass. I will get front-row tickets! No, take that back, I am not going to witness it because you are not worth my time and attention. Perhaps, someday, you'll realize that true love comes from within. Another person can't do it for you. I realize you have issues -- so do I -- but I MADE THE CHOICE to work with them instead of using other people to fulfill fantasies of how the world revolves around you. May God have mercy on your soul.
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