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worried...please help


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Hi everyone,


I'm 28 years old and single (I did have a long term relationship and we wanted to get married, but we broke up recently). I notice that a lot of my colleagues and friends are married/getting married or are in serious relationships.


Also, I notice most of the men I meet my age are in relationships. The ones that aren't taken are single because they just want to have 'fun' (sleep around) and don't want to commit. This is what worries me too.


So I have some questions, I hope you can help me out, I just wonder if my observations/experiences are out of the ordinary


- what about your male colleagues and male friends in their late 20's/early 30's? Are most of them in relationships too or do you know some/plenty who aren't?


-Are they still single because they just want to 'have fun' (sleep around) or did a lot of sleeping around in their 20s? Or didn't they find the right person yet/focused on their career etc?


- do you know people who met their partner in their late 20's/early 30's and are happily married now?


- at what age did you meet your partner (how old was your partner when you met?) and marry?


I hope you can help me with some honest answers, I sometimes really feel like an outcast It's like everyone around me got married in their 20's. My worries may sound ridiculous, but it's how I feel at the moment...I'd love to hear people's observations/experiences

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Well your not the only one. I'm in the same situation as you but my mates who are still single sound like the guys you discribed.

I find that pretty difficult not having the same outlook as my close friends.


Since being dumped I can see myself falling into that way of thinking but I really don't want to turn into that type of person.

Besides my ex fell in love with me because I was different to all those other guys.

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