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so i went to a halloween party and hooked up with this guy throughout the night. he fingered me several times and ate me out, but i didnt do anything for him! i am a virgin and have never gave head or anything, so i just dont want to do it badly! does this make me a bad person? should i have?

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No, it's fine that you didn't reciprocate. A counselor told me that oral sex/fingering/hand jobs/etc are not things meant to be done for the sole purpose of getting something back. It's done between two people who love & respect each other.


Does that sound anything like the scenario the OP just described? Clearly, if she let this guy go down on her I think it's a fair expectation that she was going to do more than just lay there and do nothing in return. Did she have to something in return? No. It's always a choice, but she should have made her intentions clear up front. If she didn't that's the issue.

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