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Advice for after the interview


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I've been coming to this section of ENA for awhile now and have been looking at all the good advice people have given. I am suprised there isn't a lot of posts about job searches and recent graduates lately. I recently actively started to look for jobs within my field of study and have been completely frustrated at the amount of experience companies are requiring for at an entry-level position, especially for jobs that seem so simple. It's not that I don't lack work experience, I just dont have a lot of relevant experience. However, I have not allowed this frustration to take over my job search, i'm still trying to stay positive (getting harder by the week) and apply to every job that I feel like would be a good fit for me.


I did go to an interview 2 weeks ago that went really well which has also been my first interview. I still haven't heard from the company and at this point my gut is saying I haven't been chosen for the second round of interviews. I really like this company and know that I would be a perfect fit. So I've been thinking lately that maybe I should offer to volunteer or intern at this place. I just don't know how to broach the subject. Since most of the contacting is done through the HR person, should I call her and let her know that I would like to volunteer/intern with them or should I just forget it?


Any advice would be great... thanks

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I just graduated too and have been job hunting like crazy!


At a graduates fair I was told contacting companies and asking for volunteering etc was a GOOD thing. Plus the fact that they even shortlisted you for an interview in the first place makes you a good candidate for someone they could want to have there.

How long did they say it would take to hear back from them? Maybe you should just call and follow up on it.

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I work as a career resource specialist, and if I can say one thing- Transfer all of the college that you have into "experience"- Unfortunately in the business world and higher fields, associate level is from a 2 year degree, and entry level is from a 4-6 level degree. Did you do any internships while you were going through school??

What I have done with previous jobs is, convert the classes that I have into experience; Look at the job that you are applying for- We need someone who can use this type of software blah blah blah- You don't need to say that you have experience in the job market with these things, just that you have experience with the systems and standards that they use. Make sure you do ALOT of research on the company and match your qualifications on your resume and cover letter as closely as you can with the job itself. Volunteer is an excellent way to get your foot into the door, an intern would be even better (sometimes paid); What I have seen a lot of times with interns, usually if a company likes the work enough then they will contract them to hire once they finish school or in the near future.


It may seem small but, another thing which I have seen work several times int he past; search for a professionals resume, the resume of someone who works in your field could help give you an idea of exactly what these companies are looking for.


Good luck- the job market really sucks right now.

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Thanks for the fast reply and advice!


I definitely want to follow up with them but when I asked about a time frame they pretty much said a couple of weeks... I think I was literally the first person to interview for that position. I am assuming they didn't have a long list to begin with but any interview at this point is good enough for me.


I've been wondering whether I could use my years at school as experience. I feel like most job listings are pretty specific about work experience. I think my cover letter is my best asset, the resume not so much; it lacks relevant work experience. I just really want to work for this company even if it means just interning with them. How would I bring up the subject though during a follow up call?

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I think you should just point blank ask them if you can intern with them. They probably are pressed for time and would appreciate that more than if you beat around the bush, and the worst they can say is no. You can't really say that your years at school are experience per say, but you can try to argue that they make up for the experience you might lack over less educated candidates with a bit more experience than you.

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Usually most job posts will classify if you can substitute educational background with one in the workforce. Just a statement that any databases, systems or protocols that they may follow that you have already learned can be a good selling point. I'm not sure what kind of business you are trying to get into

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Consider applying with temp agencies in your area and note the company as your first choice for placement. One of the best ways to get hired by a good company is from within. Even from a mailroom you can form relationships. Your smile everyday beats what others may put on paper, hands down.


BTW--applying to an agency doesn't mean sending a resume, it means physically going there to test and become 'active'. Phone to make an appointment, maybe one per day, three per week, and don't be discouraged when they say they don't have anything. Jobs come in -after- you've applied, so get into as many active pools as you can.

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It never goes amiss to thank them for the opportunity for the interview, and to let you know should anything else that could use your skillset become available - also a good time to mention any interest in interning. A nice professional email would do the trick, or a professional letter.


Companies with a lot of competition to enter appreciate initiative and it sure betters your odds of them retaining your file - and could tip the scales in the right direction if they're deciding between you and another candidate.

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