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girlfriend angry


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Hi guys,


Me back again. So now my girlfriend is angry at me for a few things.


1. I said i'm not after a party animal

2. She complains I don't do enough (I do the dishes every night, I do the garbage, fix stuff around the house and help her as much as possible)


What is the best thing to do when she is angry?

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Dude, I skimmed your threads. The pattern I'm finding from them is there is lack of sex, she has a kid with a baby daddy on the side, she is incredibly insecure when you are out with a female friend, you guys break up on and off when you've only dated for a year, and she has physically assaulted you maliciously.


What good qualities do you have to mention about this woman? I didn't see anything positive about her in your 10+ threads I skimmed.


When you mention here about her being a "party animal," does she have alcoholism?


Personally, I recommend breaking it off for good. Breaking up on and off and going on NC for a few days isn't working out for you when you have been with her for a year. She definitely isn't compatible and you're clearly miserable being with her. Why stick with someone who doesn't meet your expectations or happiness?

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Thanks for the reply


To answer the first few questions by party animal I mean she goes out all night 2 nights a week.


Well when things are going well her good qualities are shes intelligent, caring, understanding, challenges me to do better in life, treats me with respect and appreciation, shes funny and light hearted, We just click (I know not one of her good qualities but one of the relationship), The sex is at least once a day and damn good, Shes good looking


But when things aren't going well shes the complete opposite * * * * * y, gives me no respect or appreciation, doesn't seem to care or understand and sex goes out the door


Just to point out a couple of things as well she has never physically assaulted me and we have been together without a break up for just over a year and off and on for 4 years before that


To tell you the truth breaking up may be the best option but I'm with a therapist at the moment and we have determined its not the best option for now as its likely it will put me into a major depression as I have issues around my dependency and almost addictiveness to her so we are working at slowly desensitizing that so I can then if I chose breakup with her without falling into the major depression I had last time and actually deal with my issues this time which I thought I had last time


For now its just about making the best of a bad situation

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