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I believe in fate, and stuff like that. Mostly that things that are meant to happen will happen, of course not with me sitting on my butt or anything.... but will work out if its meant to be.




I've been broken up with my ex for almost 6 months. I always believed we'd get back together, but lately it seems hopeless. He totally ignores me. I tried whatever I could for him to be happy, apologized... NC, whatever. Doesn't matter. he seems to hate me. I didn't do anything to him, and we didn't break up on bad terms persay. But this isn't what its about.


I've been trying to move on, forget about him, etc. I've been trying like online dating and stuff, but there seems to be no one there for me. ones I like don't like me, ones who like me, I don't like. SO it seems to go.


Now here's the thing. I try over and over to give up, but it feels like everywhere I go, I can't forget him. I see his name everywhere and its not really that popular a name. And i see stupid green GMC's just like his old truck.


Now where I work there is a used car dealer ship right up front. They had this green truck there, exactly the same color and same type as my exs. It had been there all summer and then it was gone and I thought they sold it, and it had been gone for like a couple weeks now. This morning I was thinking about my ex and thinking about this guy that seemed interesting to me. I said in my head, "God, I don't know what is supposed to happen, but if I am supposed to ever get back with my ex... I will need some kind of serious sign. A real one."


What do I see when I pull into work today. THe green GMC truck, the exact same color and make as my exs right out front.


Do you think that is a sign?? Or am I just crazy. I feel like it could be, but I am so doubting this whole thing because I can't seem to see my ex ever coming back to me because he's too stubborn.


Does anyone believe in signs? Or is this just some weird coincident???


Some insight please. I feel like I'm going crazy...hehe

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Hi ravens_folly,


I know exactly what your talking about. Everytime I see a charcoal colored 200* Honda Accord, I think about her, and yesterday, I had debated for a week to myself whether I'd send her a b-day card (its been 9 months of NC) for me. On my way home last night, I was driving, and this was the last possible time I could decide to do it or not (the post office closes at 9pm). So, thinking this, and driving home, guess what I see - you guessed it - a charcoal colored 200* Honda Accord. What are the chances I asked myself? Needless to say, due to my actions, I do believe in signs because I decided to send her a card - OMG - 9 months of contact gone down the drain, but you know what - I don't care. I feel good about myself for doing it. If it ever reaches her (I sent it to her last address I knew), I think she will appreciate it, and that's that.


In your case however ravens_folly, I'm not sure if you should do anything pro-active about your sign. In my case, I just wanted to be nice and send her a b-day card, because although she broke up with me, I still thank her in my heart for sharing a great 2 years with me, and I care for her as a person (not proactively of course, but just distantly), and I do not have any intentions on getting back together with her. In your case, I think you breaking NC would mean that you want to give it another 2nd chance maybe.


So, to sum up, I do believe in signs, but in your case ravens_folly, I believe you shouldn't act on it. Take more time to heal.


Good luck with whatever you decide, and take care.

Kung fu

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