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I am 19 yrs old and my boyfriend is a senior in high school, which causes some problems. He has other higher prioritys such as basketball, which is not a problem because i am also an athlete, he has a trainer who is also a friend and causes alot of problems. He has my boyfriend call girls for him, and that really bothers me. Last night he called a girl supposedly for greg yet my sister answered the phone, pretending to be the chick. My boyfriend was being real suave and flirty and was trying to hook up his friend, but he made it sound like he was wanting to get hooked up, he even said you know i love you baby. Well needless to say my sister and mom now hate him. and i broke up with him, but he called me crying making all his promises..... he was my 1st love and i cant seem to lose him, we have experienced everything 1st together..kiss, mess around the whole 9 yrds. He promises me hes gonna change... what should i do

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  • 3 weeks later...

The most important thing to remember in all this is just this...


You are 19 years old. You are just beginning to experience life. The last thing you need is a "boyfriend." Now is the time for you to experience freedom! Do you really want to constantly have someone on your case whenever you want to do something that doesn't include them? Do you want to have to deal with someone else's insecurities, jealousy and all the other problems that they will make yours?


The last thing a 19 year old male or female needs, or should even be looking for is a "relationship." What for?? Nothing you could want to do as a young adult requires a "relationship." The only thing a relationship will bring you at this age is problems. Problems with him cheating on you. Problems with you wanting to date other guys. Many, many problems.


The single life is GREAT at that age. You're out of your folk's house, doing and experimenting and living your life the way you want to. Kids who think that every person they date is a potential husband or wife are just plain crazy! I could not emagine myself with ANY of the girls I've dated during high school and when I was in my early 20's.


I'm married now. I have a child on the way. I love my wife and the life we have together. The reason being is because I chose HER to be with me for the rest of my life. I used all those other girls to figure out what I wanted in a partner and what I didn't want. Then, when I found the girl who met those criteria, I asked HER to marry me.


The only way you're ever going to fing out what qualities you like in a man is to date as many as possible.


And, you can take comfort in the knowledge that if your ex-boyfriend is calling and flirting with other girls and trying to hook up, he's obviously too young to be in a relationship as well.


My best advice...learn from it and move on to the next guy. Eventually, if you keep narrowing your field, you'll find the one guy who is everything you want. You can't make someone into something they aren't. If a guy doesn't have what you're looking for, find one that does. Trying to change a guy will never work and will only make you miserable if you "settle."


Trust me.

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