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Hello all,

I just thought id write up a little about myself, and then it would be nice if you could share a little about yourself as well.


I have been diagnosed with and have suffered for a long time:

Schizotypal, Paranoid, Obsessive-Compulsive, Narcissistic, Histrionic, Borderline, Avoidant and Antisocial Personality Disorders.

Yes, I suffer enough from each disorder to be qualified to have it.


As well as:

Major depression, generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, trauma/morbid fear and a variety of intricate and unexplainable-to-put-into-words complexes.


Everyone experiences these things differently. Im sick of the generalised lists of symptoms all over the internet and used by some psychologists etc..


I dont know what else to really say.


Care to share anything? Thanks

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hey friend... what I think is this.. you need to calm your mind down... take anti- depressant..

And please go to the doctor so that he or she can advice you better...


I would think if she was diagnosed, that means she has gotten treatment ...Funny how you tell her to take anti-depressants and then say please go see a doctor...




Im assuming you have had your heart broke which is prob why your screen name is what it is. How old were you when you got diagonosed all of these disorders? Doctors are not always acurate, doctors are just people testing medicines...it is definetly possible they can mis-diagnose ..just like everykid in school that shows signs of being happy and excited and may not be 100% focused is considered "ADD" and needs Ridaline or Aderall... I was diagnosed ADD, tried Ridaline and it didn't work, made me fall asleep and concentrate even less and then the doctor perscribed me Aderall, which caused me to become very very very impatient and angry beyond words if Id hear any side conversations or if learning would get off topic.... I got off of them and have managed myself just fine without any help from a doctor...



Please try reading this book... its called, "A Road Less Traveled." Look it up on amazon or google it, itll give you some brief info on the book...


"Loving him without losing you" is also one of my favorites! It is an empowering book for women who tend to lose themselves and there own personality/likes/dislikes when they get into a serious relationship.



Theres a lot of help out there without seeking actual doctors..."You are stronger than you ever can imagine"

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