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Giving up... casting away painful emotions & feelings

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After trying & failing more times than I can remember I've decided that it is a waste of time & my efforts trying to establish a relationship with anyone. I'm 26 years old & too my knowledge no-one has ever been sweet on me. I've never been asked out & when I have asked anyone out I have always been politely & impolitely refused. I've never had a girlfriend & I am a virgin.

I have come to the conclusion that there must be something very wrong with me. Perhaps it is because I do not have a lot to offer. I have my own apartment but I do not drive. I have a low paid job for someone of my age & cannot afford flash clothes, haircuts etc. I am short (5 feet 8 inches) & must be rather ugly. I maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle but I have come to realise that this counts for squat.

I am sick & tired of trying to obtain something that is not going to happen. I am a kind & considerate person who would do anything for anybody but this apparently counts for nothing as well. Why do the nice guys always miss out? I have few friends nowadays & they all have girlfriends. They mostly treat them like dirt but are in stable relationships & still receive offers. I do not. I don't bother going out anymore to clubs, bars etc because I became sick of watching my friends & other people hook up with girls whereas I was ignored, so if anyone is kind enough to post a reply to this post please don't give me any of that 'you should socialise more' etc rubbish. I am not shy.

What I really want to do is rid myself of the desire for women & the desire to establish anything to do with a woman so my feelings are no longer hurt, it has made me mentally & emotionally exhausted. Any advice on how to do this would be appreciated.


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well your first problem is you sound like you have no self confidence. Girls love men with confidence. people without confidence appear to women as weak and boring. I suggest that you stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it!!! develop a strategy on how you are going to meet the woman of your dreams, and believe me you will fail a million times before you succed. I didnt meet any women about 2 years ago, then i decided i wanted to so i started exercising a lot and achieving a lot and developed self confidence. you have to do that because if you just keep feeling sorry for yourself and you dont change then your situation won't change either. so make that decision to change and to show your friends that you can get better looking girls than they can even if it takes you years to do it and it probably will

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hey everyone! I have a problem with this girl. I really like her a lot, I don't really want to like her and I try not to think about her but it just seems she just keeps occupying my every thought. I met this girl at a party about 2 months ago and got her number and for about two weeks we talked on the phone but almost everytime she would say "do you want me to call you" and i would say yes, then of course she didnt call me. This happened like 3 or 4 times. Then I didn't see her for a while and I stopped calling her. About a week later I saw her at a party and she was really excited to see me, I mean she just came up to me and we flirted for like an hour, and i think she wanted me to pull the moves but it was hard for me because i really like her and didnt want to ruin my chance. My brain tells me to just forget about her but I think I have to do something because she occupies my every thought, how the hell do I pursue a girl like this? should I just wait till i see her at another party or should I just ask her out? should i just forget about her?

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