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Can a woman be that headstrong?


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First off we are best friends for the last 17 years and we dated for 2 years about 6 months ago that ended.. She started to date someone else (which we agree is a rebound) cause I hurt her emotionally (could be I'm bi-polar).. We started talking about about 4 months after she was dating him and wanted no more contact.. It lasted maybe a month and she went back to him cause I started screwing up again..


She loves us for 2 different reasons.. He is more supportive of her then me (I'm getting better at this) and I'm her soulmate and we just have so easy flowing conversations.. I can be the nicest man in the world and then be the more horrible person for her to be around.. (her words)


Now for the horrible part.. The last few months a friend of mine was emailing her and telling me some of what they were saying.. I emailed her a few times as him also.. She found out and got really really hurt.. We were just 'friends' and getting closer to each other while this was happening.. She found out and well woman scorned right.. What has me confused is, the last 2 times she defriended me from FB and never emailed me back, answers her phones or txt back.. I wrote her an apologetic email and thought it was going to be done and she wasn't going to contact me..


Update on the man she has been dating.. He got a job out of state and is moving in the next week.. He has meet her parents who live out of state they like him but feel he isn't the one and is 7 years older then her.. Me only 2 years.. She talks to my step mom and say's she wants me not him but can't put up with the hurting that I have put her through..


I've been going to counseling the past few months and she knows this.. It's been helping and wants me to continue.. The confusion is this, yesterday she purchased a few items for me and payed my toll tag for my car.. It was more then just a pretty penny for what she got me.. Even pays my cell bill every month.. Is love really this strong.?


she is going to pay for me to go see a psych to get meds and see if that helps my mood swings.. Greatest woman in my life and I keep screwing it up and she wants to help stop it..


I think that is about it.. Didn't mean to jump around so much..

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She really is an angel.. Tell's me "I want you healthy".. Seem's like she'll do anything in her power and will to get me the help I need..


I haven't seen her in almost a month face to face.. We talk on the phone, and email while she's at work and text.. Morning and sometimes at night.. I really kinda feel sorry for the other guy.. She tell's me he tell's her he loves her and is very very clingy.. She tell's me, You two can not be totally different.. I have the magic touch and she's my rock so..


Honestly feel sorry for the guy.. He doesn't know that me and her are still talking and he think's that she is going to move with him in a few months (she tells him i don't know and if i do maybe 6 months..) And since he is leaving he see's her everyday.. (different topic sorry)


I am going to keep up the therapy she is suppose to go to one with me since it was advised.. And to get the meds I need to make myself stable..


Thx for the reply..

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