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Hi guys! I just stumbled upon this website when looking for some advice, but I'd rather get others' perspectives. I've had an interest over a quiet guy for a few months now, and it's taken him a few weeks to be really comfortable around me. Even his younger sisters didn't see him this comfortable around another woman (BTW, we're both 20 y/o). We both love certain comic books, which is why he was able to hold conversations with me these past few days. So after taking our quantum final, I've decided to ask him if he would take me to a certain art convention during the break if I wanted to go, in which he responded that he would. I really wasn't asking him out, it was more hypothetical, it was an "if" question (I was afraid of rejection). He got my number by the end of the day, and I told him to call me so we can set up a day to go to the convention, held in two weeks. We only had that one class together (quantum), and because we are different majors, we are not going to take any other classes together. So, pretty much there's no way for me to contact him. He got my number early this week (Tuesday), but I haven't heard from him. So since finals are over, I have a lot of time to ponder on why he hasn't called. I thought there was some attraction going on, but then again, I could've been seeing things I WANT to see. I really appreciate others' opinions. Is it too soon to tell? Still soon for him to call? Or was he just being nice and is not going to call, hinting that he isn't interested? I honestly thought that he was interested knowing that he was no longer really shy around me, but anyways… advice please?

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I'm a quiet guy, but if someone I was interested in were to give me her number I definitely think that I would call. I wouldn't run to the nearest pay phone and dial it right away; I wouldn't want to look desperate. I think I'd probably wait until the next day. I wouldn't wait too long though. Maybe he's just nervous or maybe it's as simple as him losing your number. If he's comfortable with you and he's really interested he probably would have called by now.

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Why on earth you didn't get HIS number? You could have reasoned since there is a possibility either of you could loose each other's number, he should give you his number. Beside, in scenarios like this, you can always ask your potential date that since you may have plans during such and such period, it would be great if he/she contact you no later than a week or so. That way if in case he/she doesn't call, you know he/she is not interested.


Anyway, there are two possibilities: Either he is not interested or he has forgotten about the whole promise. Maybe since you weren't too assertive about your intentions, he didn't think it is important to step up and accept the invitation. Or perhaps he is just too shy. Is there a way to look up his address/phone number from the online school/student directory? Unless you don't know his last name.

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The reason he hasn't called was because he was shy enough to admit that he is broke! I got to see him (Nick) yesterday when running out of a bookstore and wanted to confirm whether we were going or not. At first he said he wasn't sure because he might start a full-time internship starting next week, and he wasn't sure about having the money to take us to the art convention. OMG, that was it! Sooo... I'm buying our tickets to go to the convention on a Saturday, and he's gonna pay me back when he can. I'm going out of state this week and the next so he handed me his E-mail!! Yay! \ All I'm hoping is that he wouldn't cancel on me, leaving me with two tickets. [-o

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