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How to stop complaining and to take back my words?


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So I always send a PM to my bf when something bad happens. Today my co-worker hit me at the work place just because she doesn't like me as a person. I knew my boss can't do anything about it, because she has this hatred all the time since I began working. My boss tried to talk to her, but in vain.


So after she hit me, I just cracked to cry. Because I don't understand how people let themselves to transfer their personal hatred into physical action. I didn't call the police, because it would cause a lot of problems. I was afraid to be fired just because my boss would think - I'm the first employee who calls police.


Instead I sent a message to my bf. I was in shock and wrote it so emotionally. And he replied just in 2 words: "Call police?" A day passed and now I feel stupid that I sent it. How to stop complaining to him and take back my words? I mean he can't do anything in this situation in any way and I showed my weak side of personality. Now I feel bad for being a "cry-baby" in his eyes.

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Wait. You have two different issues here. 1) Workplace violence under an indifferent boss. And yes, the correct response would be to call the police when you are assaulted. What kind of industry is this that condones this kind of at work behavior? It is against the law to work in a "hostile work environment". I am not a legal expert but you need to pursue this using the proper avenues. 2) Learn to handle your own business and do not cry to your boyfriend. What did you expect him to do, come down and escalate the violence? There is something here that I am not understanding....

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I agree with the first part of PWL's post. The correct response WOULD be to get the law involved.


But, what is wrong with venting to her boyfriend about what happened? It must have been a pretty scary situation - I would be seeking emotional support from my partner, just wanting to be heard.

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