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Pretty intense situation please help

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wow it seems like i dont ever get a day off lol, ok so i was talking to Christine last night and she got mad at me because i said she was nitpicking over a guy she thought liked her because he brushed her arm. Anyway she exploded on me and id just had it, her friendship had done nothing but hurt me for weeks because it was almost non-existant, so i told her to just leave me alone and that it was better for her since i always hurt her.


As you can imagine this went over pretty damn well...and by well i mean horrible, she brought out suicidal words and said i make her feel like downing a bottle of tylenol. So im feeling like crap about myself for not talking to a suicidal person but it doesnt stop there. She kept IMing me and yelling at me and telling me that she thinks im "fake" because i wasnt apologizing and crying all over the place i guess (most guys dont cry im sorry im no different) and to be straight with her that i finally just let loose. I told her i wished id never met her, danielle, or anybody that had anything to do with them because for the last three years my life has been more unstable than it ever has. She claimed to be speechless before just ignoring me all together.


Then later that night, i receive a message from danielle saying that, "the only reason you wish you never met 'us people' is because we see past your fake f'ing shell" I thought for a second and responded with something simple, i said "why wont you believe that this is just as good for you two as it is for me, why wont you leave me alone." but she shot right back with "dont give yourself so much credit you bastard ive wanted you gone for so long im doing this for chris dont you ever hurt her" the only thing is she is the one who keeps texting ME and telling ME that she loves ME (to which i never said 'i love you too') and reappearing in MY life to ruin it after disappearing for weeks on end. I told her that i would change my cell number, my screenname, anything, but i would never bother them again, she just said, "yeah, ok you go do that". My family, my friends, my psychiatrist, all think these people have serious problems but i dont know...i actually got angry with a person who was talking about downing tylenol instead of hiding it and talking her out of it like i usually do...so im asking you, and ill post this too because i need advice badly. Why wont they let me leave them alone, why do they make fun of me and ridicule me because i dont bow down to them, why dont they believe that its better for the both of them if im not there...this is alot of why's and i know im whining a little but im still a little bit shaken. If anybody could help, id appreciate it, im sorry its so long.




P.S- if you want more of the story to make a better judgement just send me a private message and ill type it up for you. Thank you all for any advice you give.

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Well, I don't know the whole story, but I don't really need to in order to say these people sound toxic. I can understand you feelin bad about not talking to her because of her suicidal tendencies, but fact is you also cannot allow her to control you through it. I assume you have tried to help her, told her to get help. If not, if she talks to you again and threatens to do something give her the number to a hotline and call her mother/father or another relative/friend and tell them to go watch her.


Them calling and yelling at you and trying to make you feel like crap is not right though, and while I don't know the whole story, there is too much negativity around the situation. Extract yourself and move on.

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I agree with Ray


They ARE very toxic people and I know you will feel soooooooo much better when you don't have that kind of negativity around you all the time and feel yourself standing on firm and stable ground once again.


One of my ex's friends kept telling his gf of 4 years "I wish you'd just go jump off a bridge and die so I could find another gf." Of course, she's still with him-- miserable and an emotional wreck needing prescription drugs to keep her emotions relatively stable. I've put my foot down and told him what he says is completely unnecessary. Because it is. No human being should talk to another human being they claim to truly care about and love- in that negative, emotionaly abusive way.


You're better off without those negative influences in your life. Switch your screenname, get a new number, and anything else that will help you cut contact with them because you deserve much better treatment than that... I hope you believe that.


Anyone who tries to control you that way to make you do what they want, are verbally abusive and put you down, and seem 99.9% of the time emotionally unstable are NOT good friends to hang out with.


Stand your ground. You're on the right track.

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