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I'm super confused...I need some advice asap

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Hi everyone,

I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and a half now. He just moved to San Francisco and I'm still back home in Hawaii. We're doing the long distance thing and lately it's been tough. Some days he's totally happy and excited to talk to me and tell me everything that happened that day, but other days he's so tired that he gets mad at me. when i ask him to open up to me, he tells me that i'm being too whiny and i need to grow up and then he hangs up on me. If I try to call him back, he gets even more pissed, but if I dont' know what's going on I get super bad panic attacks and freak out. I'm guessing that he thinks that i'm being too clingy or something. I really love him with all my heart, but i hate the fact that when he doesn't want to talk he just hangs up on me. I've tried talking to him about it and he says that he'll try to not do that and he keeps his promise for like a week and then it just starts up again. I know that at times i'm super insecure and i want to know that everything is ok and when I'll be able to move up there next month. The thing is that we're fighting right now and i'm scared that if we keep fighting that we won't be able to live together and i'll get sent back on a plane and i'll have to come back here.

I'm just super confused. I know that i love this guy, but sometimes all the fighting drives me nuts. We've tried taking time apart, but that doens't work at all. I dont' want to lose him, but i feel like if he doesn't change then i can't be happy. If i try to talk to him about this, he hangs up on me. I think it's a really immature thing to do, but i can't stop it...*sigh*

Sorry for rattling on and on. Someone, anyone, please give me some realistic advice...


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