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Love and Meds

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Ex is in pre-menopause. Her doctor precribed an anti-depressant to help her deal with symptoms, such as night sweats and hot flashes, etc. She started acting cold and distant towards me at about the same time she started on the meds, and I got the heave-ho about a month later. Coincidence, or can a-d's make a person fall out of love?

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They can make you feel less affectionate, but it's my personal opinion that there are usually underlying causes for a true breakup that can be triggered by something like this. Best thing for you to do is keep your distance and not smother her. It's very easy to feel overwhelmed when you are on these drugs. There's a connection, but you can't blame such a drastic move on them, in my opinion.

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I wouldn't want to speculate without more information. However, I've been on anti depressants while being in a relationship before.


I find antidepressants make me void of any real emotion and I become very distant. I was dumped by my girlfriend at the time and to be honest I don't blame her. Being on medication and being so distant wasn't really conducive to a good relationship nor did it probably make her feel loved. I guess you could say I fell out of love with her.

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