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guys----what r u lookin 4

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Breasts are overrated. When the girl with the big boobs from highschool gets over a certain age, they are gonna be hanging around her waist. Especially if she has children.


I think attrativeness is about how a woman carries herself, her self confidence, her self esteem. You can tell if she knows who she is and where she is going. Sure, she may have some vulnerable parts, but if she is open and honest enough to communicate that, it shows she has courage to face them anyway.


Being able to communicate about stuff that matters is cool. Alot of people can talk alot, but not everyone actually *says* anything.


When a person acts confident, they can look you right in the eye (eye contact) they can talk to you about anything (communicate) and they aren't afraid of a little mutual touch (comfortable in their own skin).


Most people aren't confident out of the box, so you gotta "fake it until you make it". Pretend to be confident until eventually you are!



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thanx guys but u still didn't answer my 2nd question....y is it that when u see a gurl you immedaintly look down or up and ya'll know what i mean and beec u didn't make any sense about the whole primates things


It's not like the ladies don't scan men's butts or stare at the penis. It's just not as convenient and it's easier to avoid. Also, guys are generally taller than the ladies. We look down and it's there! and it doesn't really matter if guys are taller or if the girl is a foot taller. A woman's breasts will always be convenient to our eyes because even if we are a foot shorter, it'll only be an alignment to a better view. Women's breasts are just sensual parts of the female body that protrudes so lusciously and conveniently to sight. It's just captivating. Luckily for you ladies, you girls have no such a distraction as "momemtary glances" at a guy's penis, or such convenience. Now let's say my penis is (god forbid) on my chest by nature, and it was only kept from nudity by a tight enclosement of fairly thin fabrics and it's bulging, can you swear to me that you would still have the control to keep from momemtarily staring?

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to answer your question ghost yes we do....we notice it when guys stare and we like the attention so we dont do any thing about it and we love it when guys stare @ us i kno i do. and if we think your cute then we would turn around and look @ u and stare back,or smile @ u or look @ u then look away really quick....and if we do, do that then if u had any guts you would go over to us and introduce your self.........



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beec wrote that is all he looks at, then you have a problem. If he does not look at your body, then he doesn't really want it. Which would you rather have? A guy who wants your body or not?


well beec...........i would want a guy that is interested in me and is attracted to me but i dont want a guy the just wants me for my body...........u kno?



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Do you girls actually notice us staring at you?


Ghost... how could the ladies not notice when we stare? There's nothing dangling on a guy's chest to create a distraction? Meanwhile, pretty much all a girl have to concetrate on is a guy's eyes. Sit down for a conversation with a girl and all she will be concetrating on is your eyes because there's nothing more appealling. Doesn't matter if you're nicely toned and muscular, that it could create a distraction like that of a woman's breasts, a girl will look into your eyes like it's sparkling with diamond. And they does it so naturally and so piercingly. God... I swear... sometimes that firm gaze is so piercing, I get a tingling, itchy sensation over my head. Or maybe I just needed to wash my hair, eh?

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S1asher6 's post made me laugh out loud, which i'll admit isn't really that rare, but hey. XD

I don't look at guy's butts or the area between their legs (i'm more interested in faces -- that's the thing i'll be seeing more often anyway, isnt it? but S1asher6's post does have a point:


Now let's say my penis is (god forbid) on my chest by nature, and it was only kept from nudity by a tight enclosement of fairly thin fabrics and it's bulging, can you swear to me that you would still have the control to keep from momemtarily staring?


I'll admit I probably wouldn't be able to stop myself from looking XD.


To Theghost -- Sorry mate, but, we do notice it. It usually makes me all shy and.. um, I dont know if flustered is the right word, but I get that "OMG-he's-looking-at-me-what-do-I-do" feeling if I notice someone staring at me, so I turn away to pretend I didn't notice. If I ever stared back, it'd only be because I was angry and thinking what-are-you-lookin'-at?! So turning away is a good thing.

Why do we stare? If a girl finds you hot, they'll stare at you -- well, I don't really stare, but its more like glancing over at them every 3 seconds to see what they're doing, who they're looking at, etc. Wow i'm gay o_x;

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I've read all the messages here and here are some of the quotes that i came accross and said in my head "YES, that's right"


Trigve find I mostly dig someone who's just clean and healthy, smooth straight hair can be really nice too. but other than that there's no definites, I usually just know the first time I look at their face. There's something about their expression and mannerism that just all come together and tells me right then if there's going to be any feeling for her in the future.


Derek think attrativeness is about how a woman carries herself, her self confidence, her self esteem. You can tell if she knows who she is and where she is going. Sure, she may have some vulnerable parts, but if she is open and honest enough to communicate that, it shows she has courage to face them anyway.


S1asher6: A woman's breasts will always be convenient to our eyes


american dream: I like girls who make me feel confident to talk to them.


inspiration: I'll sit back and watch the way she moves//interacts with others.


There are two of those quotes that i do want to comment on. In regards to woman's breast, most of our "stare" are accidental. I think Beec is being overly masculine to be admitting that this is what we "like" to do. Most the time our eyes just accidentally see it somehow we look away and after a few moments, it lands back there... Very difficult to explain but we don't consciously tell ourselves to look, it's just automatic. That's also why some of the time i catch other guys "stare" at woman's breast and i really don't care. No comments about their personality, does not reflect who they are at all. It's just automatic.


I really like inspiration's quote where he mentioned that we just "watch the way she moves//intereacts with others". In fact, that's what made me have more interest in some of the girls i used to like, when she doesn't notice anyone's looking at her and she's basically doing her own stuff. If I happen to notice her, and got to stare at her more and more, eventually there will be chemistry that are built in me simpily from being curious about her in the first place and look at her movements.

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hmmm....I feel really bad now, can't believe you girls noticed.



how can you tell.......I feel stupid now.


I try not to make it as obious as possible.

Ha, I also notice you girls when you stare

probably the sneaky ones can get away.



oh god, I don't know what do....I feel bad, stupid, turning really red...




God.....you could of said you can't even tell when guys stare.

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In regards to woman's breast, most of our "stare" are accidental. I think Beec is being overly masculine to be admitting that this is what we "like" to do. Most the time our eyes just accidentally see it somehow we look away and after a few moments, it lands back there... Very difficult to explain but we don't consciously tell ourselves to look, it's just automatic. That's also why some of the time i catch other guys "stare" at woman's breast and i really don't care. No comments about their personality, does not reflect who they are at all. It's just automatic.

AGREED! it's just accidental stares most of the time and it's automatic. It's just so machanical. It's just a sensual part of the female body that protrudes so lusciously. (Especially in tight tanks of thin fabrics) I mean, come on now, some of us grew as babies drinking breast milk. And all of us grew up sucking on something. It's practice by birth to suck. How fimiliar are we with them boobies, eh? And if (God forbid for the good of man kind) men have such luscious breasts, we would gladly share that joy with you ladies. But the ladies are probably thinking, "psss... We've got them ourselves you literal suckers."

Unfortunately, not just anybody realize this. There's a Youth Center I grew up as a teen tending to. Recently, I started hanging out at the Youth Center again. I'm socially phobic so I always had either a viser or shades on. By the end of another day at the Youth Center, the coordinater of the Youth Center walks over and asks, "Why do you always have your shades on?"

"Um... it makes me more comfortable to be around people." I said and wonders out loud, "Why?"

"Oh... hahaha!! Cause some people wear it for other reasons." she said laughing and still giggling.

I guess she caught me staring. And I have reason to. She's got the mentioned luscious pair and it just drew my attention like the literal sucker I am.

(((sigh))) For being socially phobic and a natural sucker, I was a suspected voyeur. Guys... heed my words... Wear your shades at the appropriate locality: the beach. It's highly appropriate to wear it there. Besides, all embarrassing unaccidental starings could be satisfied there without shame. Though, the objects of your affections would most likely be too darn distanted for your eyes to reach. But the whole of the female physique could then be appreciated without distraction. Otherwise, it might have unintended effects and unwanted suspicions. While at the beach, all effects would be annulled by the time you leave the place, if not for an erection.

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I don't look at guy's butts or the area between their legs (i'm more interested in faces


Now let's say my penis is (god forbid) on my chest by nature, and it was only kept from nudity by a tight enclosement of fairly thin fabrics and it's bulging, can you swear to me that you would still have the control to keep from momemtarily staring?


I'll admit I probably wouldn't be able to stop myself from looking XD.


That area between a guy's thighs is, if my memory serves me correctly, is a guy's penis. Correct me if I'm wrong, and I repeat... a guy's... "Penis." Though some like to call it Willy, or for the ones with the big egos, Jumbo-Joe. But... anyways... back to the lecture at hand. Like I said, you ladies don't have such a distraction, or that convenience. If you have that convenience, you admitted yourself that you probably wouldn't be able to stop yourself from looking. And what girl, what laydee, would decide to look down and say hello to Willy? It would be too darn obvious and way more embarrassing than a guy staring. Besides, Willy's asleep most of the time. It doesn't stay surfaced like all breasts are, or do you ladies have names for them as well? Moutains of Everest, maybe? The grand canyons?

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slasher6 wrote:

It doesn't stay surfaced like all breasts are, or do you ladies have names for them as well? Moutains of Everest, maybe? The grand canyons?


no we dont have names for our boobs...and for me i like staring @ guys butts, i mean sometimes i just can't help my self it is just there and it is not an eye sore ket me tell u that...lol



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