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Tap water Vs Filtered

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Okay personaly i hate filtered water it tastes of nothing and is well boring, i've grown up in a hard water area and the tap water just tastes right to me i can drink about 4 litres of it a day if you give me filtered i'll drink 1/4 of a pint and thats it. i have no idea why though and apparently unfiltered water if bad for you as it may contain toxins.

Personaly i'm going to be drinking the unfiltered stuff if cuts me down on drinking carbonaited drinks and so what if i get some toxins in me it cant be as bad as filling my blood stream with caffine 24/7.

What do you preffer im just wondering if anyone else thinks like i do.

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Tap is different in each area. A state away from me is a whole lot weirder. I like tap ok, but I do like the bottled stuff since it has the no taste. I don't know, I don't feel like paying for that stuff so I guess tap it is. Tap is better for you (normally) since it isn't STRICTLY water.



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I hate tap water. It's not that bad where I live, but I jsut can't stand the taste of it. I guess because I've been drinking bottled water for so long, that the thought of tap water grosses me out. I think of it as like to use when you're brushing your teeth, or showering or washing your hands. I don't know; I guess I'm just used to drinking bottled water

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The tap water where I used to live (Northwest Ohio) was fine either refrigerated or straight from the tap.


We moved to Central Ohio a few months ago and the water straight from the tap here tastes and smells heavily of chlorine. Not as bad as pool water, but that's what the smell reminds me of. Only way it is palatable is to refrigerate it.


I agree with you on the bottled water, though...it has no flavor. I tend to stick with bottled water if I'm traveling. No need to run the risk of intestinal upset by exposing myself to the stuff in the local water that my system isn't used to. I don't remember where I picked up that travel tip, but my visits outside of my home turf have been a lot more pleasant ever since.

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I like the water that goes through the filter on our refrigerator. It doesn't completely filter the water does it? I wouldn't think so. Anyway, it's basically tap water, just a little more filtered, right?


My parents urged me to stop drinking tap water because I started having symptoms of anemia and my doctor was afraid I had lead-poisoning from too much tap water. Turns out that's not what the problem was, but apparently it's possible. Hmmm...


Anyway, I can drink tap water again, but I usually choose to drink water from the fridge instead.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright I have read most of the comments here in this forum and has anybody researched water qualities. I don't want you to think of me sounding nasty, I'm not what so ever. I feel strongly about my body and keeping it healthy. To be honest I wouldn't drink tap or filtered water unless it was life or death.


Tap water ALWAYS contains contaminants such as bacteria, parasites, viruses, organic and inorganic chemicals, heavy metals, volatile gasses, cysts, and others. Filtered or non distilled water is only a small step above tap. There is not a very strong regulation on how filtered, filtered water has to be.


Distilled water on the other hand, steams water and kills more then 99% of contaminants. Distilled water is the purest form of water. It not only kills contaminants that can cause arthritis deposits and other potentially serious bodily damage but helps the body heal. Distilled water also kills minerals. You may say we need minerals in the water. This is not true. The minerals you need are in the food you eat. Distilled water kills minerals and actually works with the blood and the lymphs to send rejected mineral deposits to the kidneys for them to elimate.


Pure water also helps unclogged pores and has no sodium which is good for a sodium free diet. Using distilled water in your iron, kettle, humidifier, and many other household appliances keeps them clean and run more efficiently.


Distilled water is not sweet nor bitter, it's tasteless. I'm sure you are all used to drinking tap water because the copper and contaminants add flavor. Drinking distilled water which has no taste won't spoil the taste of food or other drinks.


It is also cheaper by more then 60 -70% to have a distiller at home verses buying bottled water. Yes is may take 5-6 hours for it to fill one gallon of water but you will have more then one container. If you have it running at night you will never run out of distilled water or have to wait around for it to finish.


I hope my information will help you live a healthier more well informed life. thank you for you time.

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Rosato some of what you say is true. But minerals are mainly absorbed through water and liquids, if you drink distilled water for a month you will be dead.

Distilled water has 0 oxygen in, you may think we get it from the air but thats for respiration, bacteria that live inside our body get no air from respiration but from what we drink.

The only thing i know of in England USA or canada that you can get a virus from is if sewage gets into a cracked water pipe in which you can get typhoid poisoning. But this is almost impossible to happen and the water is checked regularly.


The only thing you need to look at with a glass of water is if its cloudy in the slightest dont drink it. Personaly i want the bacteria in my water and on my skin because i haven't been infected from any so they aren't harmful if we clean them off then its open to potentialy leathal bacteria. People with bodily cleaning disorders are actualy at a higher risk of infection then an average person.

Also arthritis deposits are cause from hydrogen, if anyone can crack a joint thats hydrogen bubbles been forced out and back into the blood these hydrogen deposits actualy hold open a gap for our bone to slowly over decades grow into. One solution to this is copper bracelets and rings etc as they form a copper hydrate through diffusion from our skin.


Im doing an advanced health care corse which will allow me to take care of people over 13 and also work in resedential homes or go into degree nursing course. I'd say distilling your water is the worst of your worrys and if thats the only thing you drink then your probably killing yourself and not keeping your body at all healthy as it can produce shortness of breath, lack of energy and the unclogging effect in the pores is because the bacteria in them will die from not getting oxygen thats dissolved in the water that reaches our skin by osmosis. And i have to remind you that our skin gets air from diffusion into the body but our insides dont which need the oxygenated water more.

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