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ok, as some of you probably read, i just broke up with my boyfriend a couple months ago. i decided to move on instead of hoping wed get back together but im having trouble. i still wonder what hes doing, how much fun hes having, and who hes having fun with. him calling me doesnt help either. i know thats probably normal but i hate it. every once in a while ill read his 'livejournal' and i end up completely upset but i cant stop.right now its saturday night and im not goin out until 9 so i find myself spending all my time wondering how he is spending his. someone help me! how do you get your mind off that guy even when you know your notttttttt getting back together with him!

write to me!


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i had the same problem...this girl i really liked got a bf and i was always wondering bout wat they were doing and who she was spending time with and wat she was doing whiel i was with my friends. it always made me depressed and not liek myself (im a really funny hyper crazy kid). all my friends noticed too. wat i learned to do was just try to think of anythign besides her when i began to think of her. after awhile the thoughts just went away.


hope my advice helps you

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how do you get your mind off that guy even when you know your notttttttt getting back together with him!


I hope my ex feels this way about me. Actually I know she does, because she told me. I know this doesn't help much, but time will heal all wounds..

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this is long but please read it all the way through, i need help!


chai714, why would you ever want someone to feel this way!!it sucks! and to otrebla, i am the dumper. i broke up with him because he was controlling and when i didnt listen he started a fight over it...constant fights. he was always jealous of something. he was occusitive with no reason, i never cheated on him..'oh your wearin that shirt out, do you want guys to stare at your t*ts all night'..blablabla..and when he did get mad he went psycho..i mean breaking car windows psycho. so i dumped him and weve had no contact until he recently started calling me out of the blue once he was upset cause he heard i wasnt happy with him(duh) then he was upset i didnt call him on his 21st birthday, then to yell because he found out about a guy im seeing. by his calls i know he still cared but he is seeing other girls too, who by the way have reps which i dont get cause my ex has no respect for those girls. i always had this hope that we'd get back together after he learned how to be in a relationship then one day i realized, with the help of evepm and some of my friends that..why do i even want him back? he made me miserable and i deserve more i shouldnt wait until he changes cause that may never happened. buttttttttttt i still find it hard to get him out of my head..him with other girls, him even just with his friends, if hes having more fun then i am, and how hes holding up without me..i dont know someone give me advice i am lost!!

ps...i know this probably sounds like a tiny problem to a lot of you but it really is driving me sick, literally, so anything would help

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when he did get mad he went psycho..i mean breaking car windows psycho.


I think you made a pretty good decision on breaking up with him. This guy obviously has some major issues he needs to deal with before he ends up in legal custody. Was he abusive (mentally or physically)? It's quite normal to miss someone, no matter how bad they treated you. But really, do you want someone who is destructive in your life? I would advise you to immediately cease all activity such as reading his journal or checking up on him. Keep busy, try to turn that negative energy into positive energy by reading, working out, or doing something to better yourself meanwhile. You seem pretty emotional right now, so don't make any quick decisions that you will later regret.

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