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ok i have another problem and with u geussed it guys!!!! ok well i just started high skool as a freshman. and i met a guy in my 2nd period class and i have been talking with him and we exchanged phone numbers but heres the catch he is a senoir, 4 years older than me. and after we talked on the phone and hung out some more we started to like each other, and last night he asked me if i wanted to start dating him and i didn't kno what to say i mean i want to but for one what will my friends think of me? the last time i dated an older guy they were like he doesn't really like you he just wants u for ur body and i was like w/e then he cheated on me and that crushed my heart and my friends were right i mean i dont want them to think something bad of me. and for 2 i don't want to get hurt...again but i am almost certain that that wont happen b/c he is a christain and kno that but there is still a possibility that it could happen.and 3rd b/c of my parents mainly my dad he is so over protective he doesn't even like me going out on dates with guys the same age as me and i dont know what he would say or think about this guy...probaly NO i mean he is so sweet and kind he walks me to class and we flirt.....alot and he has even told me u kno i kno what ur friends think about me and they think i just want to get down ur pants and he said that that is the farthest thing from his mind and i truly do think he was telling the truth and plus if we do start dating after this skool year he will be @ college hopfully and i will only get to see him every once in a while.....but that is in the future i am just worried about the present for right kno but i just want to kno what ur thinking while ur reading this i dont care how harsh it may be tell me what u think of this whole situation and be honest.....thanks



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Hey shortstop. I think that you should give this guy a chance. You can't hold back because of what your friends think or because of the fact that you've been crushed before. If he honestly seems sincere to you, then give him a chance. Sure, it might just last a very short time since he's leaving soon, but it might be worth it.


At the same time, be careful with this guy. If he's 3 or 4 years older than you, he might be more experienced and expect more from you and you might feel very pressured to do some things that you wouldn't think of doing if you were dating a guy your own age. Go out in groups for awhile if you decide to date him, use good judgment. I'm not going to tell you that you're too young to date him, because it really depends on your maturity, so that's your call.


To get your parents used to him, bring him to your house so your parents can meet and trust him and get to know him. As lame as it sounds, have him hang around the house for awhile so your parents can get to know him as the same sweet guy that you know. Take things slowly. It can definitely freak parents out to know their daughter is dating someone so much older. After hanging around the house for awhile, go a date or two in groups, and then gradually go on a date with him by yourself. Act responsibly and don't miss curfew or anything like that. Listen to the limits your parents set on you, and don't give them a reason to distrust you. You'll see that they'll slowly become less protective and more trusting of you if you can show them that you're being mature and responsible in this relationship. Good luck

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Hey shortstop. I think that you should give this guy a chance. You can't hold back because of what your friends think or because of the fact that you've been crushed before. If he honestly seems sincere to you, then give him a chance. Sure, it might just last a very short time since he's leaving soon, but it might be worth it.


At the same time, be careful with this guy. If he's 3 or 4 years older than you, he might be more experienced and expect more from you and you might feel very pressured to do some things that you wouldn't think of doing if you were dating a guy your own age. Go out in groups for awhile if you decide to date him, use good judgment. I'm not going to tell you that you're too young to date him, because it really depends on your maturity, so that's your call.


To get your parents used to him, bring him to your house so your parents can meet and trust him and get to know him. As lame as it sounds, have him hang around the house for awhile so your parents can get to know him as the same sweet guy that you know. Take things slowly. It can definitely freak parents out to know their daughter is dating someone so much older. After hanging around the house for awhile, go a date or two in groups, and then gradually go on a date with him by yourself. Act responsibly and don't miss curfew or anything like that. Listen to the limits your parents set on you, and don't give them a reason to distrust you. You'll see that they'll slowly become less protective and more trusting of you if you can show them that you're being mature and responsible in this relationship. Good luck

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