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What are people's views on luck/bad luck, do you believe there is such a thing?


I think I am cursed or something...


In the past week so many bad things have happened and just when things are looking up something else happens...


Me and gf split up,

My mum has to go into hospital and get an operation,

I get stomach bug,

I injure my back,

My (ex)gf's parents say she cant go on holiday with me,

I loose getting a place on a uni course,

My (ex)gf says she won't go on our holiday,

My few options of other people to go on holiday can't...


I am surprisingly upbeat but I feel astho I am going crazy and this isn't real...


Interestingly on sunday a girl I know dropped a necklace, I picked it up and held onto it for her. I go to give her it back and she says she doesn't want it back as it brought her lots of bad luck. Even though I don't really believe in luck I destroyed the necklace last night...

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Dear switchbladeromance:


I don't believe in bad/good luck. Life throws us curve balls just to keep us on our toes. Kinda of like a big cosmic joke.


Sometimes, it may feel as though you're cursed but, this is life and it isn't always easy. Try to remember that this is just one episode in your life and that you will get through all of it.


Take a good look at your life and I'm sure that you will see more good things have happened than bad. You're just struggling with alot at once but hang in there because this will all work out.


Take care,


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I don't believe in good/bad luck myself.


Heck - I just got myself a black cat.


I personally think S**t happens and sometimes it happens more and sometimes it happens less, not really having anything to do with luck.


I know u are going through a rough tim, but hang in there. Things will look up - trust me.

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i feel you man. bad luck comes to us all


in my case i got ever worse problems all happened in the same week.

Me and gf split up,

My mom has to go into hospital and get an operation,

I lost my job

I i have to go to coart for something i didnt do

I lost 900$ just like that and im prety much broke

I have no friends becuase for the past year and half all i dont is chill with my gf so i didnt have time to make any friends.


this should be a thread about who has the worse luck

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