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why is porn so bad?

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putting all religons aside. why is porn so bad? I read post again post and it all women complaining about how bad it is and it has riuned their sex life. I honestly think that you are one ruining your sex life. As for not feeling" good enough" for you husband or boyfriend or whatever. That is putting to much pressure on yourself. The girls in the porn or fanasty girls, sure they are out there but in unlikely event that he would ever meet one i don't think he is going to leave you. You can depends on him for your self-image. because he looks at porn doesn't mean he doesn't love you or doesn't want you. I have also read that it hurts your sex life because it turns YOU off. So who is feeding the cause? When things are at easy access such as internet porn it is going to happen. When you don't want to have sex with him, what message is that sending to him? your to gross to have sex with me, you look at porn, i can't believe how much you turn me off. You don't think that hurts him? so the cycle is he looks at some internet porn you find out, you denine him sex because you been pounded into the ground to believe it is bad and sick. so then in turn he feels rejected and unwanted, so he turns back to porn were that can't happen. it is a nasty cycle that just goes deeper and deeper. Most of you ladies seem to be looking in side of the problem and not caring about how he feels, commucation is key. Talk don't scream at him does make it him him him, that is threating and he will close up.

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  • 1 month later...

"All things in moderation"


Porn just has a bad connotation to it. And, we all have an image in our minds that most people who watch it are obsessed with it.


Now, there are different levels of porn. You've got your softcore, which is essentially anything on latenight cinemax. They just show a bunch of boobs, and the sex is fake.


Then you've got your hardcore stuff which is real sex, real this, real that, and it makes a mess in more ways that one...


Honestly, I think that if you're just stickin to the softcore stuff you've got nothin to worry about, as long as it's in moderation. It's a good tool for people like me who can't get women in real life...

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  • 1 month later...

Just because someone might like to smoke...and they smoke alot, doesn't mean that the people around them should be forced to like it and deal with any damage it may cause. Of course there are people that don't mind the smell of smoke, and maybe like it. But for those who don't.....its their own choice.


Same thing applies to any such addiction. Including Pornograpy. Only porn does emotional damage and the smoking example above causes physical damage. What you are asking is like asking why people don't like cigarette smoke. Its something that is addicting and people are forced to live with. So if anything, its a matter of preference.


As for the reason it causes damage, you might want to refer to any addiction. Not only does it take time away from loved ones, but society is becoming more and more accepting of them. Porn specifically causes men to cheat on their wives (this is proven), and its a way of cheating, no matter how common it is. You are thinking about and coveting other women. How can a relationship be at its best when half of it is focused on others?


People say its just a fantasy, and fantasies are "healthy". Fatasies might be fun in games, or comic books....something that any age group could be involved in. But when it comes to a sensitive topic like intimacy, it can cause the damage I'm talking about unless the other person is into it as well.


I've had my husband say that porn turns him on more than me. How can someone feel confidant in their relationship when there is better out there than can do the job better than you can? Kinda makes you feel low. A fantasy is better than you? Why even get in a relationship in the first place?


Porn is for the single and lonely.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First, God said it was. Since He created sex in the first place, I guess He has a right to His opinion.


Porn creates a fantasy that is far from harmless. Any man moves in the direction of his most dominate thought so if his mind is pervaded with porn, more than likely, he will eventually begin to imitate it and look for more of it--in stronger doses.


Marriages are a lot better when sex is confined to it. And it is best when a man doesn't have to fantasize about the latest woman he has seen to get aroused. His own wife is his pleasure and his joy.


And no woman should have to compete with these images which have been shown to cause heartache, guilt and in many cases, a ruined marriage.


Porn is bad. If you don't think so just because God said so, then just take a look around at all of the posts decrying it and the trouble it causes.


Gals, ask yourself this question: Which would I rather have: a man that lusts at no other woman except me or a man that has to constantly be monitored for his escapades?


And if you think that no man like this exists, you haven't looked hard enough.


Remember: no one is tempted by what he does not think on.

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