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To take a "break" or to "break-up"

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I have been with my ex off and on for the last 6 months of our relationship. There were always conflicts of some sort but we were always happy doing and learning new things together. I even moved down to Socal for him. Then things started to get shaky when I graduated from college. I guess I wanted something more serious but that wasn't his mindset. He was still in school and wanted to use his "time" to do things away from our relationship like the frat, classes and volunteer stuff. Ironically, I am doing these things now for myself. I guess you need these things to grow. Everything seemed fine and then he broke it off--three times!! I am having the hardest time doing NC because I feel like I will lose my best friend but everytime I hang out with him and he's just so unaffectionate it hurts me so much. We still want to be friends. Like my position has been lowered! I don't know why I can't move on...or what will make me move on. We still have feelings for each other and he says that he can't focus on a relationship while in school but how I am supposed to deal with this? What's the difference between a break and a break-up? I need help or at least some sort of inspiration....am I really going to lose a lot if I say goodbye? He doesn't appreciate me, our memories and his ADD makes things worse... I dunno what to do....Please help!

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I've seen people have similiar things done to them, and it'll only hurt more if you sit around and wait for him to be ready. I understand that you really like him but it won't hurt you to see other people, try opening up to that idea gradually and if it helps keep in mind that you still could date him later since you're only taking a "break". Best of luck, and don't break NC, it's one of the worst things you could do in this situation.

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