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I need to let it go


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So I wont go into details because there is no need but I will post here instead of emailing my ex. I just find it strange that you are the one that has been distant and when I say something about it u say that it is me. We have an event that can not be avoided in 2 days that we must attend together and u aree acting super strange. So I am going to just not communicate until tomorrow evening to confirm all arrangements bc my heart is breaking. I would rather that u just say u dont want to be with me instead of doing this bs.

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It's the hardest thing in the world not knowing where you stand when you reall feel for someone.


I've just been through it, she would not say it's over or what was going on no matter how much I ask for her to just tell me. I have no idea why she wouldn't tell me... Didn't want to lose me just yet? Didn't know what she wanted? Didn't want to hurt me and couldn't find the guts to do it? Who knows.


In the end I had to do it, because it was not healthy for me to stay there waiting for a text that I never got. I got no reply back from ending it, but I guess that's a good thing as it helps me move on and start my full No Contact from here.


Go to your event that you have mentioned, and then try and break it off? May also help you in the long run.

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The same thing happened to me so I very much feel your pain. I felt that my now ex was being distant, he would text regularly but months went by where we wouldn't see each other and he just told me to be patient - I felt that he wanted to end it but he just never did. He said he loved me but the actions didn't match the words. I had to end it in the end and he accepted that and although I would do anything to take him back he is just not interested. Try and be strong when you see him, and maybe suggest you both go for a coffee to talk about things. I really hope it works out for you.

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The same thing happened to me so I very much feel your pain. I felt that my now ex was being distant, he would text regularly but months went by where we wouldn't see each other and he just told me to be patient - I felt that he wanted to end it but he just never did. He said he loved me but the actions didn't match the words. I had to end it in the end and he accepted that and although I would do anything to take him back he is just not interested. Try and be strong when you see him, and maybe suggest you both go for a coffee to talk about things. I really hope it works out for you.
Sounds just like me.


I'm busy, I'll soon find time to see you.

I'll take some time off work and we will go away for the weekend

I'm not been off with you, I'm just exhausted

I was not ignoring you, I was working


Then she gave me the silent treatment, would not tell me what was going on, just said she's got other things on her mind. I said if it's over just tell me "Have i said its over?" was the blunt reply.


5 or 6 days went by with no contact, I still didn't know where I stood, so I just had to message her to end it. Got no reply back, but at least I know where I stand now. Just annoyed I was lied to by someone I trusted as a friend, as a partner and was willing to do anything for.

Known her for a long, long time and never expected to be treat like this.

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So I have one day to go before the event and I can fully start NC. I have known u for 6 years and u treating me very off and kinda cold. My father is sick and in the hosp and I never left ur side when something happens and u need me. U have never asked me once abt him and when I sd something to you abt it u say that it is bc u dont want to set me off emotionally crying but this is a sign of not carrying for me and my life. I have always been the best frd when u needed me to and know I am getting pay back of no effort. I just wish for tomorrow to be over and done.




Thank you guys for ur replies. I think my ego is hurt too bc I have a feeling that if I end it that he would not even try and make it right. Like now he is not trying to make it right he just blames it on me.

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