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Did Your Parents Talk To You About Sex?

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my parents have done a lot of good things for me, but one thing i don't like is that they never talked to me about sex. They never told me how to have a healthy relationship, what is right or wrong....its bothers me!!! cux now i have no direction from them and i don' t know what they expect.


Who here had parents who never told them about sex????

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My Mom- NOPE!


My Daddy- Hell no!





Interesting Movies under the bathroom sink, Sometimes in the Closets, Even the Shed (top shelve left corner) And a Nice VCR, I guess you could say i learned quite a lot at a young age, thing is now that type of material doesn't interest me at all anymore..I wonder why sometimes, But hey at least i can say i taught myself some things, with "ya know" a little hands on Training.

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You can look up SO MANY things, the possibilities are endless, link removed would be a good place to start, type in "Sexual Education"


I'm being serious here, if you want to LEARN your going to have to start somewhere!


Your informational Highway= one word INTERNET ! 8)

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I agree with the last poster. My mom gave me some vague references to sex education when I was about 14 I think, which basically consisted of 'when people really love each other, they do some things that you've probably learned in health ed. or by watching movies. Remember that if you do anything, use protection.' She was very flustered & I felt bored and as if the info. wasn't that relevant (I wasn't even interested in guys at that age and thought sex sounded way too kinky for me to try for a long time anyways.)


But I sorta wish my parents would have said something to me a little later when it became more relevant about pursuing relationships and exploring your sexuality, etc. I didn't have any direction either. In fact, relationships were discouraged by my parents in favour of putting all my energy into school. Even this year (I'm 19) my mom told me it's completely OK to wait to have my first boyfriend until when I'm in law school, when I'm 23, because I don't need one & it's basically a waste of time. When I'm a parent I know I'm not going to discourage it so much..I think dating is a good thing, not something to be discouraged. How else are you going to know how to meet people & form loving relationships? They could have encouraged being more social as well..


Anyways, I basically found everything out from the internet just recently, as I just started dating this year (late bloomer I know.) link removed is the best. This site is also very helpful, but there's so many things you can learn from the 'net. And the most important thing I've learned in relationships is to be confident & be yourself. For me, since I used to be sorta shy & quiet that was hard but after going to college & living in residence and interacting a lot more with people with similar interests, etc. I've found my confidence boosted tons & now I'm able to meet people a lot easier.


Also, since you're 20, I would say don't care what your parents expect from you in regards to relationships. You're your own person, go at your own pace & do what you want. I don't tell my parents anything about what I do with my boyfriend and I'm happy that way.

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When I first hit puberty i was really confused. Like i started to have wet dreams and i would wake up and find white stuff on my pants..i thought there was somethign really really wrong with me...like i had cancer or aids..tahts where the white stuff came from.....i thought i was going to die....its so confusing when you haven't been told about sex..well i knew about sex, but only the basics..and there was sooooooooo much confusion on my part....


when i have children, i want to talk openly with them about sex. Even if its sorta weird, its better than having them not know and not talk to them about it

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My parents never talked to me about sex, everytime I mention something about it they always give me a weird look and ask me where did I hear this stuff from.. I never truly found out how babies are made till I turned 14 yrs old. If I wanna know any info on sex I have to look it up or go on sex sites.

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My parents are very open about everything, they're more like school friends than steretypical parents LOL. But yeah, by the time I started doing sex ed, I already knew everything they were on about. And for all those that think you should'nt teach a kid this stuff too early....Because of it, it's no big deal for me and although I can talk openly and have open views about it, my actions and personal beliefs are quite conservative.

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Yea, my parents gave me the talk when they first found out I had a girlfriend at about age X.


Mom: "Don't you do anything sexual at all until you're married."

Me: "Put it in a letter and mail it to 3 months ago when that would've meant something.


Dad: "Here's a box of condoms. I'm sure you can figure out how to use them."

Me: "Thanks, Dad."

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I learned about the basic stuff in the elementary school and junior high over friends' conversation. Finally, at age 17, my mom pulled out an old book with anatomy pictures and described the whole procedure of how bees and birds make babies. It was ridiculous and the whole time the only thing that I was thinking was you got to be sh*tting me mom! You really think at this days and age kids don't know about sex? The only reason she talked to me about this was that I was going to live with my aunt away from them for 10 months. Other than that, I highly doubt they would have talked to me about it; so much for being part of the educated class.

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Good question. Seems like you're not the only one here... I'd like to add myself to the list:

My dad made some remarks about it when I was about 12 but nothing

which I hadn't learned in school at that time. None of my parents

talked to me about sex since that day. Sometimes I wonder, if

this is a reason why I have the one or the other problem with my

sexuality, which is nothing easy to deal with. Agree with everyone

who wants to talk more open about this stuff to his own children.

But I'm not sure if I ever manage to have any.


Back to you:

Are there any problems caused by the behaviour of your parents?

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My parents never really gave me the sex talk. My aunt tried once when I was about eight, but I didn't understand a single word she said because she got really technical and used medical terminology. And then for no reason whatsoever, I just started laughing and couldn't stop. She gave up after that and just left it up to my parents. But they never did talk to me. I kind of wish they had. I would have been awkward, but it's better than being misinformed.


When I was very young and impressionable, I saw a movie in which a girl was raped. The word "rape" was used. In the movie, the girl was attacked by some man, thrown to the ground, and then he started licking her while she screamed. Since the movie didn't show anything else, I just assumed that if someone was raped, then it meant that they were licked against their will. I don't know how long I thought this until the real meaning finally clicked.


Also, if my parents had talked to me about sex, then I would know what they thought was acceptable for me to do and what wasn't. I don't plan to have sex until after I'm married. This is my own decision. I'm sure that my parents would basically disown me if they ever caught me having sex, but since I don't plan to anyway, then it's not a problem. Of course, sex is the "big" issue. I already know my answer to that, but what about the other smaller issues? Like kissing, etc.?


I have trouble getting intimate with my boyfriend because I don't know what my parents would approve of and what they wouldn't. I don't want to ask them if what I'm doing is okay, because what if they don't think it is? They would make me stop seeing my boyfriend, I'm sure.


At times like that, I do wish that they had talked to me and set standards for me. It would be so much easier than having to guess what their rules are and being afraid of breaking them all the time.


Maybe it's an even trade though, because I never had to listen to my parents stutter and struggle over saying the words "penis" and "vagina."

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