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Question for any medical professionals

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Hi everyone,


I have this lump in the centre of my wrist (on the top side of my hand) which is causing me a bit of discomfort. I am unable to move my wrist very far in any direction without experiencing pain in the middle of my wrist around this lump.


I have had this twice before and it seems to go after about a week (last time about a month ago), i think it may be caused by using the computer too much. I cannot use the computer less as i need it for studying!


I did a bit of research and found something called "carpal tunnel syndrome" but the descriptions of that refer to a different area of the wrist.


I was wondering if there is anybody who can offer insight into what it is and give advice on how to stop myself getting it again. Is it anything to be worried about, should i see a doctor?



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It may be a ganglion. They are more common in women, but occur in men as well and can be either on top of wrist or underneath.


I have one, it has been there for about 4 years already, and sometimes it "disappears" for a while, sometimes is more prominent. It used to cause me pain, and I had a surgery booked - but I am very active and cancelled two surgeries when it bothered me less so as not to risk the recovery period/internal scarring etc. The first year it hurt all the time, now it is only every couple months or so for a couple days.


Anyway, they are harmless. Just sacs of fluid that come off your tendon or something. They can be aspirated, but often return, or removed surgically. Sometimes they just go away on their own, or don't cause any pain so can be ignored. Mine SOMETIMES causes pain/discomfort and limits my mobility, but in that case I alter my yoga poses, or put less pressure on when cycling - just work around it because I would rather not have the surgery (plus waiting list is months long) in case it causes scarring that makes it even worse, or makes it feel worse! When it hurts, I just baby it a bit more basically, take a couple antiinflammatories and it feels fine fairly soon afterwards.


If you do a search on the internet I am sure you will find lots! As I said, they are harmless and are not cancerous or dangerous or anything, but you might want to see a doctor to verify and find out your options.

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I have a ganglion cyst too. It's on my left wrist on the underside on the side that's closest to my thumb.


I've had it for a few years as well. It only hurt when it first appeared. It sticks out and is noticeable. It scared me at first because I thought it was a broken bone. I had it checked at the emergency room and that's what they said it was.

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