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Ex asked me to come back :(


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Hi been a while since i posted here, so here i am just popping on to update my current place in life lol.


OK so after 4 months apart my ex texts me the other day and asks me to get back together with her,now some people would say yay that a good thing but not me i tried desperately to give her open ended answers to whatever she asked and tried to be friendly, but truth is and was when we broke up last time it took me a good while to 1, get over it 2, build myself back up to where i am now. Was doing great until she brought it all back up recently, now i seem to be second guessing myself after i told her that 'while i still have feelings for you i know deep down that we would not last',too much water under the bridge etc, I felt awful saying it because we shared 10 years together.


We seem to be getting on better now than we did when we were a couple and i dont want to ruin it by jumping back in bed with her plus my 3yr old son will be so messed up should we not work and we cant do it to him again its not fair on him.



Someone please tell me ive made the right decision.....coz i feel really sucky right now

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I think its reasonable you feel this way. But obviously there is indecision in you. She ended a 10 year relationship so there would be concern if you two just jumped right back in. I don't think you can do that. I think your right to not want to rush things. Since you have a son with her I would consider being open to working on things. That doesn't mean you have to get back with her right now though. Have you read through this website: link removed

Read the article on resentment, it might help.

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Sometimes the right decision is hard. But you are right to be cautious when you have the well-being of your son to consider.


After being together for 10 years, off course you are still going to have feelings for her, but as you say it's taken a while to get your life together again. It's a good thing that you are now on better terms with her, so perhaps it's better for things to remain as they are.


With time things will seem clearer, Good Luck!

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I think its reasonable you feel this way. But obviously there is indecision in you. She ended a 10 year relationship so there would be concern if you two just jumped right back in. I don't think you can do that. I think your right to not want to rush things. Since you have a son with her I would consider being open to working on things. That doesn't mean you have to get back with her right now though. Have you read through this website: link removed

Read the article on resentment, it might help.


Great site... and I don't think you should think about getting back together right away. Have you thought about counseling for yourself as well as for the relationship?

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you have a child with her?If she is serious and you are unsure because you still care about her, I would suggest taking it slow, dating, and going to counseling. I don't know your backstory, but if you two could be together and be happy your child would benefit greatly, especially since he is so young. good luck.

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