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OK people when you look at this could you please give me some advice on what is going on please. me and my ex broke up a while ago and ive done the NC rule. she broke it off because she found someone better i guess, i did not hurt her in any way what so ever, a few days ago she called and left a message just crying so called her that night and she did not tell me why she was crying but then she said she was frustrated, i asked her about and she would not tell me. then she said it was not friends, school. family ect. why is she calling me, she said that she does not think that she deserves to talk to me. thats how bad she hurt me, so can you guys please help me and kinda sum it up what is going on?

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I guess it depends on why you broke up???

Maybe there's more to it. If she feels like she doesn't deserve to talk to you then maybe she did something you don't know about. I'm just painting the worst case scenario here - I don't know.


I'd say you need to ask yourself if you want her back. If yes, then find out what she's frustrated about. I'm not the biggest believer in the no-contact, but I do see the merits sometimes. I think that maybe in this case you've NC'ed her enough for her to contact you, so maybe now that she realises what she's lost, she might be more willing to positively respond to you contacting her. I think first we need to know why you broke up.

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