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How was your high school experiance?

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Just kind of want to hear peoples high school careers, and whats going on with people that are still in high school. Where you a jock, goth, punk, geek Just talk about overall high school.


First question i wanted to know is, if football is really worth it? You think that you HAVE to join the team in order to be cool?


Any thoughts?


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Well High school wasn't that much fun for me. Bc i was sick but the stuff i could done it was blast. Just be you not someone else. thats when you will have problems


Let me tell you about your question about the football....The school I went to Football was everything to this day i still dont like high school football players bc they get away with everything. But i dont know about other schools but i am just saying the school i went to. Just lil background our school won the state championship or something like that.


But i rather be friends with someone who is just them not tryingto express me.

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I'll let you know how it was when I finish =p, well so far it has not been fun. In fact one would probably say it sucked major. And I just finished one year, I will tell you what if I knew of a job I could get w\o a highschool degree {besides flipping burgers or some bs like that} I would drop school like a hot potato. But that is just me.

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i'll tell you what... i think high school is the best. im 15 and going to be a junior. im in football, baseball, wrestling, and track so you could call me a jock but im also in choir, drama, speech, FFA, NHS, and well just about everything, and also im an "A" student in most classes. so i basically "belong" to every group in one way or another.


and i must say that for me football is worth it... not so you can be cool but because i love football and im a lineman so i get to hit people every play and i think its fun. it helps me get over any aggressions i have and everything (and plus it doesnt hurt your chances with the ladies , but thats not the reason i do it.

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I wouldn't mind it so much, but I just can't stand the atmosphere of a typical high school. I guess just the immaturity and the fake, one-track minded people. The people tend to annoy me. My best friend and I have always said that hell is an eternal walk down our high school's hallway


Sports are a big deal in our school, but our football team doesn't get so much attention because they're not vet very good; our soccer team is a lot stronger (state champs), so they get a lot a of attention and it's well due because they work incredibly hard and the majority of the people on the team are on it because they love the sport, not for the attention they get for it.

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High school was okay for me, I guess. I mean, I had piles of "friends", I was involved, and had a g/f all through it. But it was just that, OK.


I didn't like the school itself. It just seemed like a waste of time, really. I had no school pride, but I did bust my tail for the JROTC program though. I was lucky enough to go to a school near an army base, so it was pretty diverse, and unless you were really at the poles of the "social scale" you could pretty much mix in with whomever you wanted.


But those counselors who told me it "was the best 4 years of my life" must've never been to college or college was terrible for them. My life as a college student has been wonderful. Challenging, in and out of the classroom, too. I'm really involved with my Univ, I'm brimming with school pride, and I feel like I'm not wasting my time/money here, either.

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eh...I am going into highschool this year. I'm sure it'll suck, all school sucks. I go to a little *beep* of a high school where everyone knows your business before you do.


I'm labeled 'outcast, freak, weirdo, goth' but I just say I'm 'me.' I don't label myself. As far as football or any sports go, those guys don't catch my eye. I'm more into the 'weirdo guys' who got tattoos and peircings and all that.


my 2 cents.



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well... i just got out of highschool this year.... and to be honest with you, it was probabaly the best time I have ever had...... I guess i was really luck to have a group of really tyte friends that were there for me through all the drama, fakness..... My first two years were not that good... cause i was still trying to be someone that i wasn't... i was trying to be cool and hip and do what everyone thought the cool thing was at the time.... but after a while it just got boring.....


I had a really great relationship in highschool which lasted for a year and half.... it was a really great learning experence.... You just really learn to be true to urself.... and others around you..... after a while, u just seem to be above the fakness, the whole popularity thing, and you start to be you...


O and about football... played for a year... it wasn't that fun, the players on the team were extremely stuipd... so i felt no connection with them, there for i quit......


The best advise i could give you is:

"If you want friendship, give friendship." YOu might know really know what that means right now but one day it'll hit u.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mine sucked. I hated every minute of it. I hated the games, the clicks, the preppy rich jerks who always snubbed me because I was poor, the wanna be gansters who were always trying to start something with me...well...that was my favorite part...beating the tar of out them was pretty fun! I hung with the punkers and skaters and stoners. We were just there and got done and left as soon as possible. I didn't go to dances, football games, none of that stuff. I didn't WANT to. I couldn't afford it anyway. My friends and I would ditch school, hang out at my friend's house who parents worked all day, and made out with our girlfriends. All that, and I still graduated with a 3.2 GPA and 25 extra credits.


Now, I own my own business, own multiple investment properties (houses I rent out to people), drive a BMW 645, live in a house on the beach, and have everthing I could possibly want in life. I make more money than those rich kid's parents ever did, and certainly more than the kids themselves. Everything I have was earned. Not given to me.


I refused to go to my 10 year anniversary. For what? I didn't like them then, and I don't care to pretend I do now.

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well im a senior in high school,im about to be done with high school so I guess I can tell you about it....It was okay,I have some memories that are good,great frienships that Ive had and just good times in general.But I feel as if I didnt get much out of it.I didnt learn a whole lot.My school system is poor and they really arent such a great system in general.Ill be ready to get out soon,even though I know once I get out ill be wanted to come right back to high school.I think ill enjoy life as it comes though.And as far as social style in school,im me...period.I dont hold up any image,except for the fact that Im a little lazy getting ready for school so when I come in you can tell I didnt come my hair and just put anything on,but im not in a social group,I try to get along with everyone here.I dont play any school sports or participate in any activities.Im not really into school pride or any of that jazz.Well yeah thats about all I have to say for now so everyone who is in high school have fun while it last and the ones out of high school,Ill be out there in the world soon.Farewell

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