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I just need to vent here, becaue i am feeling really hurt right now, and don't know what to do


I was at this guys house last night, (we aren't dating, but i guess u could say weve been seeing each other for almost a year now) anyways i was up there last night and whatever then he asked what i was doing tommarow afternoon. I said nothing so he said he'd call around 1, and we'd go for a drive, go grab a bite to eat whatever. Anywyas today rolls around, and i wait and i wait and i wait, and he never calls. About 4 o'clock i call him. I woke him up (he works weekends at the bar till 3-4am) so i forgave him whatever, i figured he didn't do it on purpose. So then he said he had to take his truck (hes a truck driver through the week) to get the oil changed and to call him back around 6. I said ok. It's not 7:45 and ive been calling his house and his cell since 6 and i can't get ahold of him. I just feel like ive been stood up. TWICE. but i do have REALLY strong feelings for this guy....i love him and he knows it, he even said last nite that he loved me. but after today i feel used. What do i do. Im thinking about beeing at the bar b4 he goes to work tonight to meet him there and to talk to him b4 he goes to work. I need ur opinions. What do i do?

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well first off, tell him to either answer the phone or get a cell because thats not cool to leave a nice person like you waiting all day. going to the bar huh? well maybe but that would probably be seen as bad by him if you approach him there. He'll think you came to bother him at work, but then again i dont know him you do if you think its a good idea go for it


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steady on, give the guy a chance. Or does he do this all the time ? so he slept in and maybe he got delayed a bit. Wait till tomorrow and see if he rings up with a good reason for his behaviour, if he doesnt ring then you know something is up and confront him.


chill out chick

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Why are you going to show up at the bar if he is ignoring you? NO, NO, NO. He has a phone and he can call you. He knows your number, right? It's not cool that he "just forgot" to call--it sounds like he is taking you for granted.


Leave him alone. Let him call you when he wants. Don't go out of your way to see him. HE should be the one going out of his way to see you. Let him put some effort here--don't hand him everything. He isn't going to respect you if you chase him. Trust me on this. Men don't respond well to arguing and nagging, but they do take notice when YOU GO AWAY.


How can it be that you are "seing each other" but not dating--What's the difference?

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If you feel used, then kick his butt to the kirb.


If you feel like theres a better explanation for him standing you up twice, then wait till you see or talk to him again and find out why this happened. He may have a perfectly logical explanation as to why he stood you up. Make it plain to him that you do not like being stood up, and tell him how you felt, as calmly as possible.


Good luck!

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hey, he ended up calling me and he did have a good reason. I freaked out for no reason. He just found out that his friend was found dead. I guess the reason I wanted to "confront" him is because i am leaving tommarow (i live in another city now, and with our work schedules i only usually see him when i come home to my parents, and i won't be home for 2 more weeks) We're not dating...cuz nothings official. When i met him he was with another girl, we started sleeping together, he dumped the girl cuz i didn't like the fact of him cheating on her with me so it was a she goes or I go thing, and she went. Theres quite a bit of an age gap between us so I think thats the reason nothing is official. but im just happy having him in my vcompany, i'd like someth ing to be official, but i need to figure out my life first. I do love him to death though

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