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long have i waited and now that time has come


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here i am

i am just a smpile man.

with just a simple plan.

to live life to its fullest .

if i can .

but there were may days.

and nigths that i felt.


until she came in to my life.

i felt i rathed died .

but she has showen me the ligth.

and i fell for the frist time like i am alive.

but alass i fear love has never been there.

for me you see .

but given time i think .

this will never end .

so i give her my haret and hope and pray.

that she will not lauge and turn away.

but aging i say .

to the one that holds me dear .

i will allways be there .

when times are tougth and they will.

look no futher for i am there.

ready to hear.

ready to take care.

becuse you hold the key's to my heart.

and my heart is forever your's




p.s i wrote this poem for the one i love but i posted it for all to see becuse i am not afraid to show my love for you . yours truly steve

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