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Tahiti/Polynesian Islands


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Well I've never personally been there but a friend of mine did her honeymoon there and sent pics back. She said it was just lovely and the pics confirmed it. She said if I went I should sleep in the huts by the water because you can sleep in those hammock type beds that are kind of over the water.

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I really, really, really want to go to Bora Bora!!! I can't even find a plane ticket to get there though, every time I look on travelocity or the other online ticket sites they always say they "no results found". I'm not looking to buy plane tickets right now anyway, I'm tied up with something indefinitely. I think about all of the hotels in Bora Bora are very expensive so most people can't afford to stay more than a few days. I don't know anything about Tahiti. Come back and put up pictures if you go!!

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Well I've never personally been there but a friend of mine did her honeymoon there and sent pics back. She said it was just lovely and the pics confirmed it. She said if I went I should sleep in the huts by the water because you can sleep in those hammock type beds that are kind of over the water.

Yes! I've heard about those Kind of a reason why I would like to go

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Closet I've been (besides NZ) is Fiji which is very nice and well worth the trip! However I've always wanted to go Tahiti, Bora Bora, Tonga, and a few others!


I've talked to someone who went to Fiji and they loved it. That was actually another place I was thinking of

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