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well i emailed my ex . its been almost three months . two months since we really talked. when we first broke up she pretty much begged to be friends. she was the one who broke up with me. well she would scream at me and get mad when i told her i couldnt be her friend. then her begging and crying i told her that we can but to give it a month. after the month ended i texted her she gave me one word answers. then igored me. well about two weeks ago she messaged me on accident. then told my friend for me to message her. so i message her we end up talking. next day i text her and she ignores me. she erases the pictures of myspace and then posted moving on. she pretty much whent threw all this truble then ignores me. well i send her an email and tell her how i pretty much feel used. that she told her mom how bad i was but i never had the chance to tell my side of the story. to be honest i thought i wasnt going to get a responce. then her mom called four time. i dont know if it was to tell me off or to just ask what i really had to say,i was thinking about just making an email and letting me feeling out send it and leave it at that. because to be honest i feel like she used me and then put her mom infront to protect herself. not that i ever even hit her or did anything to her. but her mom doesnt even know the truth. to be honest i feel alot better that i told my ex that and that i gave her the list.this is the email i send her along with this.



to be honest i felt like you took advantage off me.you told your mom everything i did but never thought about why this happened.your mom had the chance to tell me off but never listened to what i really had to say instead she just hung up on me.i know feelings where running high but to be honest i never really felt like i had the chance to tell my side of the story. there is more to the story then what i sent game. i think its wrong the way you treated me and expected me to act like nothing happened.think about it this way. what would you of told your brother if he was in my place?i worked the whole christmas season to be able to visit you worked almost every day the whole day. at one point i had three jobs managed to help out the family and also managed to get you what you wanted.your mom acted like i was trying to take advantage of the situtation. when all i ever wanted to do is help you . i talked to game the whole night. as you know i told him that i was worried about you.i stayed up all night trying to find answers on what to do.all i ever wanted to do is make you happy, get you help.all i remember is how scared you looked and even though you broke my heart i was trying to be there for you.i found this site where i started an online journal. the things below this are some of the things i posted. last time i texted you , you pretty much ignored me. i Have been doing all this things to change so i can be a good friend to you. if you decide to to read threw this you will see what i have been doing.you told me you wanted to be friend i did what you wanted and now you ignore me?listen im not trying to hurt your feelings or anything but i just think you should see my side. if you read threw this you will see that all i ever wanted was to feel like you care for me as a person. last time that we talked i know it was kind of akward to be honest i felt like you came right at time. because i have been stressing out and needed a friend. i dont know if you know this but game has been busy lastly because hes going to go to arizona soon so i havent had the chance to talk to him until he got online and you told him that you told me to message you. the reason i was quiet was because i have been stressing out.

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Don't engage her - even if she is protesting and saying she wants to be friends. She's proven that, for now, she's inconsistent about what she wants from you. And it seems her interactions are more about wanting to scratch an itch or stroke her ego. She's looking for a reaction by hurling insults at you and instead of being accountable for her actions, she's getting her family involved - so recognize she's not looking for friendship or even communication from you. She wants to put you on blast and expects you to take it. That's not friendship and it's not communicating when she's making it a one-way conversations. Don't pick up the phone is she or her family contact you. I would not e-mail her again either, because you're not given the option to communicate honestly and it's being used to manipulate. I'd go no contact to stop the accusations and allow it to subside. If you feel you MUST e-mail - just do it to end contact and keep it short.


Dear Ex: I understand our relationship is over and try as we might to consider friendship, it's clear that we're both upset and it's not an option. I accept that our relationship is over and I respect your decision to end it. I need you to respect that I need to end all contact with you to move on. I am not going to call/e-mail you and will not respond to e-mails or phone calls. I ask that you do not put our mutual friends and family in the position of contacting me on your behalf.


If she cries or screams or starts calling you names because you are moving on - remember she's just looking to stroke her ego. IGNORE IT. If she does the random phone call thing - stick to no contact. If you're not certain who is calling don't pick up the phone, if it's important they'll leave a message. If she leaves angry messages don't respond to them. Every time you do - you are rewarding her means to talk to you. If she wants the attention of your time and your friendship or a relationship with you in the future, she needs to alter how she talks to you. She's not going to do that now, she's going to make demands for you to bend to her whims, mistreat you and then get others involved. So protect yourself, work on your emotions and move on.


Post here when you want to vent or be heard - but do NOT, do NOT tell your ex or friends that you are posting on here. This is for you to move on - not for others to read and flame you.

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You need to get over her and wanting to contact her. Ive followed your threads....there isnt anything to hold on to.


Easier said then done but move on man.....stop emailing her, stop worrying about what her mom wants....all of it. Let go and focus on you and less on the drama involved.

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