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Hi All



Just a quick question really. My ex boyfriend and I have recently started communicating via email. In all the three emails he has sent me so far he has signed off with his name and an X next to it. A friend of mine told me that means a kiss. Is this right? Or am I just reading too much into the whole thing? The first two emails had one X and the third had 2Xs.


Thank you



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Yes melodymel, they mean a kiss.


I'm in your same situation, my ex keeps doing that, I'm clueless as to why because at the same time he talks to me about his recent break-up with his ex g/f.


Ages ago, when we were together and he started signing with an "x" I asked about it, he explained to me it was a kiss for each "x".

But it depends on the country too.

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hey, i am in scotland and i put an x at end of everything, emails, text messages etc! i do it as a friendly send off, and my friends do it too. so although it is a nice and loving thing to do the fact that females do it with each other implies that its not necessarily a declaration of undying love. it may be a hint though he still likes you, but not enough for you to act on, go by his words and actions instead. good luck x ...........see! haha

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Hi Clare



Guess you are right. I will continue to email him though. I always keep my emails light and friendly and don't give away anything about what I have been up to.


In his first email he told me he'd been made redundant and had some interviews lined up. So I replied and wished him well for the interviews. He did say in his first mail that it was nice to hear from me( twice I might add) and looked forward to hearing more.


Okay. So he hasn't declared undying love to me. But then nothing ventured nothing gained!! And no, my life is not on standby. Quite the opposite actually.


By the way Clare. I'm in Leeds. So not too far from you.


Mel. XX

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