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embarrasing condition

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oops: hey guys i've got a question for you. i have a very embarrasing condition, one that has kept me from being itimate with a guy. i have huge breast, thats not the bad part the bad part is that i also have hair on them. i have hair all over my body except for the palm of my hands and the bottom of my feet. the hair on my breast are really long, but unfortunately they are the same color as the hair on my head black, and the skin on my breast are very light so the show. they are very short, but it embarrasses me, and i am afraid of what would happen if a guy got close enough to me to actually see them. so guys how would you react if you founld out the girl you was with had a hairy chest?


a question for girls if you have this problem, how do you deal with it.

please help me

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Nipple hair is also quite common for some woman, and is usually not abnormal. In these women, a number of straight strands of dark hair grow from the outer border of the areola. Occasionally, the amount of nipple hair is excessive (and usually associated with an increase in total body hair). When there is excessive hair on a woman, it is called hirsuitism (see photo). Hirsuitism is usually due to hormonal influences, though in rare circumstances it can be caused by a hormone-producing tumor. Excessive hair growth should thereforeee be discussed with your family physician.


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Hope that helps!

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Tweezers take care of the few stray ones I have to deal with. If you've got more than can be handled with tweezers, you might want to consider one of those micro-trimmer things, waxing or laser removal.


I suppose you could try using Nair or other hair removal cream if you're not allergic. I don't suppose it would cause an irritation problem on your chest like it would other places....unless you've got an allergy to it...in that case I'd stick with the non-chemical methods.

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i am sure that some guys would be very attracted to a lady with hair chests...haha..its true though...different people are attracted to different things....for me i am attracted to asian girls who are strong and who lift weights..thats weird..some guys are attracted to hairy chests i am sure...maybe even me.....


its important to find a guy who doesn't joke about it..someone who can make you feel secure as you are...someone who compliments you, admires you, looks up to you....there are some guys like that so just look around..the search may be long but it will be well worth it!!!

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hey, well i really have about 3 on each breast, so its not much, but honestly i wouldnt worry too much, youve got a big chest thats a great thing. no ones perfect, and i actually just like trim the ones i have, because its really few, but if its alot, if you know you're gonna be getting close with a guy then just CAREFULLY shave it. but dont stress, i dont guys would be like EW about it.

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Hi there,

Honey I think that you should be very proud of your looks and I have a feeling that any man who is lucky enough to be intimate with you and get a close up look at your large breasts is not even going to notice the hair.


Just be selective about the man you get involved with. Don't let anyone that close who is not genuinely interested and cares for you and you will have better luck. A man who truly loves you is going to think the hair is cute or he will just look past it and notice the rest of you.


I think waxing is a good idea because the hair grows back thinner. All of us have hair all over our bodies, the thickness might be associated with a hormone imbalance--talk to your doctor.

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