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ex and facebook. Yea or Nay?

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Quick question and I think I know the answer I am going to get. But I am asking anyway


Should I delete my ex from fb? I have removed her from my news feed about 5 months ago and I have not once looked on her fb page since. She has posted on a few of my status updates, but it hasn't tempted me at all to look at her page.

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Do what's right for you, but I'd advise against it. I deleted mine, b/c I don't want to know his business and what I'm doing is none of his business either. Also I just don't want the random pop-up chat from him either, nor do I want to engage him, when I have a moment where I'm reminiscing.

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Can you look at their FaceBook profile, without any negative feelings? Now, just imagine for a second that they posted some new pictures/statuses about the new person they're dating. How would that make you feel?

- If you can handle it, then leave them on.


If you feel you pain when you view their profile, your heart sink when they post new pictures, and breathe taken away when they post new statuses, then delete them.


My advice would be to keep them on your FaceBook, but practice self-discipline. Train yourself to NOT look at their page for ANY reason.

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But lonelyjedi, let's say that you COULD look at your ex's page without too much pain, IMO, your ex is STILL not living with the consequence of CHOOSING to be without you when at the click of a button they are able to learn about your life. It is a privilege to be your facebook friend and know about your life, and once someone dumps you, they forfeit that privilege.


I think when someone says "oh, it's ok, I'll keep my ex on facebook, but I'll just remove their news feed so I don't have to look at it." But then it's like, why even be facebook friends with them if you don't want to know about their life on there, and presumably, you are not going to hang out and be friends in person (see my sig). If you really get down to it, it's about agonosing with wanting to hold onto their ex and not wanting to let go.

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I guess the break up between you and your ex was not that bad. So you didn't mind to give the privilege of your ex to browse your profile anytime she wanted, also, I assume that it's because you haven't really get over her, and been waiting her to do something, maybe a sign that shows she wants go back with you. While, all you got are just some random comments. So you decided to give it a try to see what would be her reaction if you deleted her. Again, it's my personal assumption. But I just believe that even you don't look at her profile, she's still in your mind in most of the time...

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Had you asked me 5 months ago and I would never wanted to delete her of fb. The reason why I asked today was because I am actually starting to think of removing her. I asked the question here to see if there were any reasons why I shouldn't. So far from why I am reading is exactly the same things I was/am thinking.


Lea5251025, your comments would have been spot on 5 months ago Obviously there is a little bit still there and I personally think there always will be. But I have moved on

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Quick question and I think I know the answer I am going to get. But I am asking anyway


Should I delete my ex from fb? I have removed her from my news feed about 5 months ago and I have not once looked on her fb page since. She has posted on a few of my status updates, but it hasn't tempted me at all to look at her page.



You're in good place. If you don't feel compelled to look, what difference does it make?

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I know most people here are still fresh out of their breakups and immediately advocate deleting and blocking... you are 5 months out and you dont look. I just dont understand why you want to delete her now? I cant really give you advice either way because I dont understand your reasons for now all of a sudden wanting to delete her... like, whats the point?

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