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UPDATE: From my 3 DAY RULE thread


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I last week (Saturday) she responded with "Friday should be good, I'll text you later in the week to make plans around 11 will be ok."

I waited all week and today (friday) I asked her if "we still have plans."

Mentioned "no plans, I'm exhausted, but I'll let you know."

I waited and waited and finally 30 minutes before 11 she responded with "sorry, I'm going to bed, BUT this Sunday may be a possibility"


I'm getting frustrated! If this girl doesn't want to hang out with me, just let me know! Stop being so nice!

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Dougie you are having a little too much expectations. She said she was exhausted, my take is a no go. if she said possibly Sunday then see what happens Sunday. if you have something better to do on Sunday I would move that to priority. You shouldn't put all of your eggs in one basket. Besides I don't like wishy washy women..

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I know I may have high expectations and I probably need to get over it. This was the FIRST time a girl have expressed interest in hanging out with me. She gave me her number FIRST. I'm 30 years old. I've never had that many opportunities. I could be 40 by the time a girl may even "act" like she is interested. I constantly get rejected over and over. It's getting really embarrassing and depressing for me. I've never kissed because I've never been in a lot of situations where I'm ONE on ONE with a girl. Relationships happen because the opportunity is there. It's hard to pitch in a game when no on is there to catch the ball.

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Well I see only one problem here. You were waiting for her message all this time. Women are not interested around men who're in "Waiting" status. You must start doing something that would be interesting for you. Maybe this activity should take more than half of your time that you wouldn't feel so embarrassed when she doesn't write you. And when she finally find out that you spent this weekend greatly without her, she might feel a loser, because she had a chance to do it with you, but you did it all alone (or with your friends). Even if you don't have any interesting plans for your weekend, don't show her that you're spending time alone and still waiting her. Lie if it's optional that you were doing something crazy this weekend and be self-confident about what you're talking. You must be an interesting person. Why should she want to do something with you if you're already bored being alone?

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I agree with NewDilemma - do something else (even if it's not that interesting) and throw yourself into it. Even if it's just reading a book or going for a walk. That way if she does get back to you, you can genuinely be surprised and tell her you were just .....(whatever it is you were doing)............ I'm sure she'd be a lot happier knowing you weren't just waiting around for her to get back to you!!!! Good luck!!!

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Well, I kind of lied already to her. Previously, she had said she was available all week. I told her Wednesday and Thursday I would be busy. I gave her an out if she wanted it, but SHE SAID Friday would be great.

I don't think she really wants to hang out, but is too nice to say NO, because she ALWAYS offers another day to hang.

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Well, I kind of lied already to her. Previously, she had said she was available all week. I told her Wednesday and Thursday I would be busy. I gave her an out if she wanted it, but SHE SAID Friday would be great.

I don't think she really wants to hang out, but is too nice to say NO, because she ALWAYS offers another day to hang.


Then move on Dougie_D - keep looking and making plans to do other things with other people and if she calls or texts and says, "Hey, watcha doin'? Wanna Hang", then you can answer her honestly and say, "Busy now, how 'bout later", or "Sure, when are you free", or "Nahh, I found this really hot chick who actually WANTS to hang out with me and is also REALLY NICE"!!! Aim high Dougie_D - never underestimate yourself as eventually that's how others will see you too!!!

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You see, others will not see you as BETTER unless you keep and think of yourself as THE BEST So be the BEST. If she doesn't date you and she's not your girlfriend yet, what keeps you from dating other women at the time? Try it! You don't need to tell her about it, but it will keep you busy and happier What makes people missing you? Well, I think when they think that you run after them EVERYTIME and when you don't run after them, they just stop running away from you and think what's happening and why you don't run after. They afraid that maybe you found someone better than them and they want to be the best, so then they contact you AGAIN. Stop waiting for her

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I think that you should learn a lesson from this, when you want to understand a situation you have to look at what is going on currently. At this point she is being evasive and is not being accommodating whatsoever. That is not a situation that you want to have to be in. It is time to move on from this one.

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