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girl a got a boyfriend and still flirts


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girl got a boyfriend and still flirts!


eye contact is ok for me becuase i admire them that they are attrative to me lol (my ego) but what i dont get why the hell would they want to flirt like more kino - compliments.


if they like me as a friend i will forget them. tsk tsk tsk or would he drop his Boyfriend for me?

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you know what i think the girls that do that should just grow up.

man, i know some girls that are like that but trust me, they can never keep a good guy who really like them for who they are more then 6 month MAX. if the guy is still there he is really wipped and i meen wipped bad and they will never be happy, will the girl will but not the guy.

o and about the thing about the girl not getting attention. if she is not getting it then she should not be there. also she don't get it some time because she's not paying attention to him because. i know i'm talking alot but one more thing one thing about guys is that we try our best to let the girls know we'll always be there for them so much that the girls will always think o he'll be there so i'll do what the hell i want.but you know what the guy will only do so much befor he pull her foot out of his butt and say back the hell off. it hell over. and you know why girl. guys can be angels and becasue your angel we are not god so we are not perfect.

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i just want to say that im a very flirtatious girl. as in my personality is often mistaken for flirting. trust me, when i FLIRT, i reallllllly flirt, but for me complimenting or touching lightly or eye contact is how i treat ALL my friends. girl or guy. i compliment people if theres something i notice, and i think it makes people feel good. you know us as people, we never remember the people we compliment, but think about it, you could probably in your mind remember at least 80% of compliments you have gotten.


my bf, now him, i flirted with seriously when we were in the liking stage. so he knows that my flirting is serious lol. and he knows my personality is just like that (just like my mom lol) and one day i asked him "do i flirt?" and he said "yes, but i know you're not REALLY flirting, and i love you and dont want you to change". now im not saying that all girls are like me, but consider the relationship you have with these girls. if they are your friends, they could just like you as their friend and like things about you. now girls who actually flrit when they have a bf i think just want the attention. just want to feel as if they're still desirable or something. either way they shouldnt. but i just watned to tell my story because some girls are really like me, i know i am lol. and btw, why do you say only girls, guys do it too, ive witnessed it, but i assume they think im flriting too lol. but still, guys with gfs flirt as well so dont make it a gender general when in reality it refers to both genders.

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