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Girls asking the guy out first ? Would you like it?

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I've went through some of the older posts, and a few of you guys said that you would love it if a girl made the first move.


I'm attracted to this guy, who I see maybe twice a week but when we do see each other, it's only us passing each other - so we don't really have the chance to really talk. I probably should just smile, and make eye contact around him at first, and hope for him to respond the same way.


But still, out of curiosity, I would love to know how many of you guys would actually love it if the girl made the first move.

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I'm a traditionally shy guy with the ladies, so yes, I appreciate every opportunity when a girl takes some initiative in the dating game.


IMHO guys need a break from being the first to always put their necks on the line. I mean, guys like a challenge too, but approaching a guy you like first is not an all-emcompassing sign to him saying you're easy. Not at all.


Just don't come on too strong and I'm sure he'll be delighted if he's also interested. and if not, he'll still be ultra flattered and give you props.

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I have to say the truth here... and... I'm a really shy guy. (like other guys as well) Its kind of a tradition of the guy asking a girl out but why don't make things different? why not make things more interesting? Some guys out there well just sitt there and will never take you out if you don't ask. Sometimes is better to be the first one to ask though. By the way, I would have love a girl asking me out. Its just something new; you have to try it in a way. I hope that answer your question or thought.

Best of luck! 8)

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I never asked a girl out in my life, all my ex's ask me out. I'm shy too, and I think I might be afraid of rejection, I only ask on girl out and thats my current one, thats because I really liked/like her. Anyways, if you like someone then go for it, don't expect them to fall into your arm all of the sudden, and I doubt any guy will reject a girl....


Just make sure you don't come up too stron as mensioned before, because you might scare us shy guys aways....


Here are a few tips...


I can't really tell you how to approach him, just think on your feet.

I would suggest, ask for the time, or a place to go thats really easy to find that even he know where it is, the next time you see him ask him out, he will be more confortable with you, ask him if he wants to eat lunch or something...

remember lunch is the best thing for first date, at least for me it was...

anyways, during the date, ask for his name, how far he lives, don't ever ask him where he lives, and ask him a little about himself, and if he is not a conversation person, make sure you answer your own questions too, like if you ask him how far he lives, then you also tell him how far you live.

remember this first date is the most important one, make sure you make him laught, and giggle a little when he says a joke or something, flirt a little, make coments on him about his clothes, hair, etc.


GoodLuck, let us know how it goes.

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If he has some interest in you, asking him out will make him instantly like you a lot more.

However, I kind of think that you want to hear that you can't fail or something. Sorry to say this, but aksing him out isn't going to make him like you if he didn't at all before.

Just so long as this guy isn't a bad guy, I would encourage you to ask him out.

TBH, I think girls asking me out is probably what its like when a guy asks a girl out. Men guys would love for a girl to ask them out, but also many girls would love for a guy to ask them out too.

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If a girl where to ask me out, I would be right out flattered. Since it's not common, it would be great to see happen more often. But since I don't live in the country of Sadie Hawkins, nothing is really going to happen. But at least for the guys, the classic way gives us time to prepare out act.

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If you see someone you like, male or female - go for it. We only live once (unless you believe in reincarnation) so enjoy life and find a stylish way to break the ice.


Most guys I know would be chuffed if a girl asked them out for a date. Just do not show yourself to be to keen. Showing interest is good, but most guys (and women for that matter!) run a mile if you get to keen to early.




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I asked a guy out for the first time ever in my life. He said yes and we've already been on our first date!


But now I'm stuck, because I want to have a second date, but I don't want to be the one to ask. I'm presently waiting for him to ask. I'm keeping my fingers crossed very tightly...I hope he asks! Wish me luck!

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I'm a traditionally shy guy with the ladies, so yes, I appreciate every opportunity when a girl takes some initiative in the dating game.


couldn't have said it better myself! why do many girls think that it's our obligation to do so .. maybe in the past it was but now we are in a modern world were women are not just women they are in a equal share and responsibility as men. I always appriciate a girl when she asks me out and I never turn her down .. atleast not when she aske me out.. I go in the date and if I don't like it then I 'll let her know gentely.

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Add another one to the shyguy list. Yes I have admitted my love to a girl a few times but it kills me. Even asking a girl just to go grab a bite to eat takes alot out of me. Quite frankly I would love for a girl to approach me, I am less tense at that moment. And like a fellow poster said, it saves me the trouble and the fear of rejection. Who says only guys can ask girls out? BAH!!!

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Hey i'm another guy


I say the next time you pass him, stop him and say something like "hey, i'm just gonna get a coffee, you wanna join me?" that could be called a mini-date, chatting over coffee, then just towards the end of the conversation say something like "you wanna go out sometime?" and how you ask it will determine how he will react, if you ask it while staring into his eyes while smiling, you got a date. It'd work on me I think anyway.


When a good looking woman asks me out i love it


good luck!

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