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Proposing to a friend???


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Is it okay to propose to a friend?


I have known this woman for over 8 years, and throughout the years, we've always maintained a strong bond. We are originally from the same city, and only since about two years ago have I moved close enough to her to be able to see her regularly. Since about the last year of our friendship (she turned 30 within a year ago), I have noticed the two of us becoming a lot more close, to the point were we are essentially best friends to each other. She repeatedly says that she doesn't know what she'd do without me. We look out for each other, and are always there for each other.


So... is it okay to propose to such a close friend, even though we're not officially dating? Has this been done before with success?


I turn 30 in a couple years and I thought that proposing to her at that time would be perfect, if I haven't done so already. Even if she rejects, I can say with 100% certainty that we'd still be able to maintain our bond.


I have always told myself that the person I'd end up marrying would be someone that was a really close "best" friend.


All replies are greatly appreciated, and thank you!

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When a friendship moves into a relationship, there is a shift in dynamics. Little things that were ok or simply annoying can sometimes become a much bigger issue if you are actually dating.


Why not ask her out? I think you should date first and see how things go. If they continue to go well... propose.

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