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Blog to Help Getting Over Breakups


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I started a blog (link removed) because it helps me a lot to write when I am trying to sort through all of my up and down emotions. I called my blog 'Believe in Bliss' because bliss (perfect happiness, utter joy, contentment) is what I am working towards, and believing that bliss exists and that I can eventually find it through self exploration is what is inspiring me to push forward. I plan to explore what it is like to lose love when you aren't ready, and how to work through it and use the experience to make yourself stronger. I will also explore what is it like to live with mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc) and how it has effected my life. Feel free to read and comment! I hope if you are experiencing the same things that it will help you too


List of Blog Entries To Date:


-The First Cut is NOT Always The Deepest.

-The 5 Stages of Grief

-Give Me Back My Security Blanket!

-Hey DJ, Stop Playing my Break up Song.

-My closet is full of ‘heartbreak’, and my wallet is empty.

-The 'Perfect on Paper' Man

-Letting Go...Is It REALLY Over?

-The Importance of Good Girlfriends


I hope it helps!

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