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He's gonna kiss me....

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My first Boyfriend of about 2 and a half months wants to take me out for my birthday in a couple of days. He wants to take me to the movies, and all his friends are telling me that he's gonna kiss me I mean, I know we've been going out for over 2 months....but I don't know....I just never saw myself kissing him....nothing personal....also, it would be my first kiss and I KNOW he's gonna do it! I'm just so afraid....what if I don't do it right??? Speaking of which, how do you it??? I so fear that day. I hope everything goes ok... [-o


Please answer this post asap! Thanks, Katie \

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Don't be afraid! There's not really a way to explain HOW to do it. Just make sure your heads are tilted in different directions (so you don't bump together) and make sure you kiss back! Making out involves tongue, it might not seem like something that would be good...but once you do it, you'll like it. I remember my first time making out with someone, I was sooo scared...but then when we started, I just didn't want to stop. I think tongues feel really interesting!

So when he goes for the kiss, just relax. Act like you've done it hundreds of times before, go in it with CONFIDENCE. You'll do great! Good Luck!

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Dont worry about it.

I just had my first kiss recently, and its IN THE MOVIE, it was so nice, i can still remember it. Once he kiss u....it will come along, u will never know that u know how to kiss even if its ur first time...hehehe . Good luck!!!! \


By the way, dont forget to give us update.

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hey there,

girl, you're going to have a great time. I had my first kissing experience when i was 23. back then i knew sh*t about sh*t and even less about girls. and the kissing? went great.


so to reuse a popular marketing phrase: "if i can do it, so can you!"

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I know how you feel.


My first kiss was well...scary. And it ended up not to be what I expected. After that, I was afraid to kiss my next boyfriend....he'd try to lift my chin to kiss me, and I'd look the other way, or hide my head. I was real shy. But then I decided to just get comfortable and everything was fine after that.


And my definition of "making out" doesn't have to involve tongue, but it's more than just a simple kiss.

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