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Good momcation location


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Taking a momcation (maybe) in August. I've always wanted to go to the Florida Keys. Does anyone know of a key that will fit a single lady...sight seeing during the day and a good bar or two at night? Will have a car and can travel to sights but want a hotel that is reasonable. I know I can do my own research but, looking for advice from those who have been there.

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The best key for that stuff will be Key West. That's got a lot of night life out on Duval Street. It's got the most population so you have the most choice there. You can always base out of Key West and go to the other keys for sightseeing.

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I was going to say Key West, as well. Not from personal experience, but word of mouth.


There is a live webcam broadcasting from Duval Street, if you want to get an idea of how many people are there and what types of groups are there. (My parents waved to me while they were there, which was kind of cool.) It's link removed


I hope you have fun wherever you choose!

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