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The true definition of a relationship...

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My definition of a relationship is a partnership between two people which forms a bond that can't be broken. I think to be in a relationship besides having to love yourself, you need to view your partner as your equal, you need to be able to make compromises and you have to be able to communicate effectively without hurting your partner. I don't feel you need to have a million things in common to have an effective and truly loving relationship, I think its even better when you have differences as then you learn more about that person which is exciting in itself. I think in a relationship you need to be willing to make sacrifices, you need to be willing to make time for your partner, you need to be willing to work at a relationship combining passion, communication, and dedication. I think the only constant in life as well as in a relationship should be "change" I think if change doesn't occur and your in a relationship to settle then it'll never last.


I'd like to hear other peoples opinons on what they think their definition of a truly loving and fulfilling relationship is

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Well, that was the perfect definition of relationship if I've ever heard one myself! The only problem is...relationships are never perfect. Relationships are like an amusment park. There are ups and downs just like roller coasters. And since they aren't always so perfect, that's what helps make them stronger.


{Borashi, you live in Minneapolis? I'm just outside of it, in Waconia.}

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Borashi, that's a really good definition of what a relationship is.


I think that to have a healthy/fulfilling relationship, both partners need to make an effort of showing each other how much faith they have in a relationship. It's important to know that they can both depend on each other. They're relationship is like a backbone that helps to keep them strong, when they face challenges in their lives. To love someone, is to accept them for everything that they are.


Being in a relationship is almost like being in a marriage to me. Even though both partners are just boyfriend and girlfriend. It's a pre-requisite of how a partner will be like in a marriage. It's crucial to remember that a relationship involves two people. thereforeeee, both partners must learn to 'compromise.' Most of all, they both have to stick with each other through thick and thin, and never give up. That's what I define a relationship: when two people don't give up. That's what really defines a healthy, honest, and loving relationship.


Also, there are other factors to consider such as values. Being in a relationship should also mean that both people learn to recognize each other's values. It's important to choose a partner with similar values, ambitions, and life goals. That's what helps to partners to taylor their future together. If their vlaues don't match, then it's tough because both partners might eventually grow apart.


Being in a relationship is like reuniting with your other half. Love takes time. It takes time to build on that trust, love, and strong foundation. But once you understand each other enough, the bond is so deep that you can even understand how your partner feels just by looking into their eyes. It's those unspoken words that say it all. It's that look of love. When you reach to that level of maturity and understanding of your partner, that's when you know that that they is truly your Bestfriend.... -Mahlina

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