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A DISPUTE in the MIND of a girl going through HORMONES.

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Notes in the mind of… Me.


Is older than me by A LOT

Doesn't speak English

Too Fast (& Angie said that about SHANE!)


I don't know PG's real name and I guess I never will. It scares me some, that I got so close to the edge. I know I shouldn't go, well I know it with my logical half. If I go, I can have a fun 45 min. Not only will I not be able to share it with Viv, if I tell Angie, she might tell Amy. And God knows I don't need another Raphael incident. But everytime I look up and scan the cay for them, the other, the creative side of my brain tells me to stand up and walk to the beach, where they probably are.

Wait, now I am walking. Why?! I should stop. No, I must stop.

I can stop. A little farther. But if I see the beach, I will go, I know it. Would they be on the cay? It's too cold to swim.

I am sitting. I am not on the beach. There is a street ahead of me. If they come down the cay, I can go. Is that him? Standing, with younger age clothing but longer hair? It's not him.

I walk a little more. Why? I don't know where it is.

Yeah! My logical half won! I got dangerously close, but I turned around, but I turned around at the last minute and walked back. I felt like a horse. When going away from the stable, I am slow and wandering, but when riding towards my home and food, I quicken my pace. Walking 20 feet towards the beach took the same time as walking 50 feet the other way. I am now on the other side of the Forum and man, does it feel great! I will probably never see PG and Phillip again, and man, will that be a weight off my shoulders. From here on out, the emotional side of my brain is handing all duties associated with meeting guys over to the logical half. Never again a 20 year old or more. Stick to your age group woman!

School, when school starts I can look at guys, but not until I master French. You know, even as I say this, I am scanning the horizon for cute guys. How typical! I won't even live here for a few months, then I might have problems! Oh well, F*** THAT! They can't stop me from swimming where I want! I don't need guys. Not even Alex! (well, as long as I don't see him, which is why I will try to stay out of his way when he is in Trelex.)

Alex, another topic altogether! Well, not Altogether. Ya, he has a girl friend. That explains some!

Someone is feeding the birds rice. BAD IDEA! I'm hungry. Now I write about trivial stuff.


EXPLINATION- All this was written as I walked back and forth on the cay in Montreux thinking (mostly) about whether I should meet two 25 year olds who I met on Friday at the beach. One I call PG (portugese guy) and the other is phillip.

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